Chapter One: The New Beginning

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(Chapter One) 

(A/N: This was after the boys tree got cut down and stuff but I'm making it a little bit different this time)

Dave park his car in front of his daughter school, Stacy looks at it the school and sigh.

(Stacy) dad do I have to go to school

(Dave) yes you do because I have work to get to and I'm late

(Stacy) but I don't know anybody here

(Dave) trust me baby you'll love it, have fun

Stacy sigh and got out of the car and wave bye to her dad as he drove off. She looks back at the school and notice teens hanging out with friends. She hears them discussing about what their doing over the hoildays, she sighs and walk into the school and goes into the main office.

With Alvin and the chipmunks: (In the Main Office)

The gianter at the school was decorating the Christmas tree and Alvin, Simon and Theordre were still stuck up in the tree.

 (Theordre) where are we?

 (Alvin) I think were in another forest and I like it

 (Theordre) uh... then were the mountain and everything

(Simon) give me a break were in a building Theordre

Stacey comes into the main office and sees the front desk she walk over to the front desk and the lady at the front desk look up from the computer and said.

(Lady) may I help you miss

(Stacey) yes, I'm new here

(Lady) oh okay last name please

(Stacey) Seville

The lady search it up on the computer and said.

(Lady) Stacey Seville am I correct

Stacey nods and the front lady gave Stacey every information she needs, she gives her, her locker number, schedule and a map of the school since this was a big place. She thank the lady at the front desk and walk away but before she left the front desk she put her lunch in her bag which made Theodre run for it but Alvin and Simon stop him.

(Simon) Theordre don't even think about it

(Theordre) but I'm hungry

(Alivin) he's right we haven't eaten yet and I feel like snacking

Alvin runs over to Stacey follows by Theordre and Simon sigh and said,

Simon) why do I even bother?

He runs after his brothers and founds them in a bag  and Theordre said.

(Theordre) it's to dark in here, I want to get it, I want to get out!

Both Alvin and Simon shh him and Simon said.

(Simon) shh you don't want her to hear us

(Theordre) sorry

(Alvin) hey I think I found what we been looking for, jack pot

Alvin goes into the brown paper bag and Simon sighs and follows after him, Alvin and Simon help him climbs up and finally he made it in. He sniff something and feels it and said.

(Theordre) oh... muffin *takes a bit out of it*

 With Stacey:

Stacey walks into her classroom when she finally got their she sees teens throwing paper back and forth, chatting and texting friends. She sits down at a desk that was empty and put her bag down in front of her. Her teacher starts the lesson and in troduce Stacey to the kids around her. Stacey felt shy and when the teacher was done introducing her she sat back down and hears people whispering about her and she slides down in her chair.

The teacher started her lesson, Stacey looks into her bag to look for a snack but when she felt something furry she looks inside and screams and all eyes where on her and she smiles sweetly at them and the teacher said to her.

(Teacher) is everything alright Miss. Seville

(Stacey) everything is Swell Ms. um...

(Teacher) call me Ms. Swan

(Stacey) okay Ms. Swan, Ms. Swan

(Ms. Swan) yes

(Stacey) may I please go use the bathroom

(Ms. Swan) alright take the pass and make it quick

(Stacey) yes ma'am

Stacey grab her stuff and took the pass from her teacher and hurried to the bathroom like she promise. She check to see if anyone was in the bathroom and thank godness no one was. She dump the everything out of her bag and out came three little chipmunks she find them eating her lunch that her dad pick out her for and they look up from her and Alvin held up a snack bar and said.

(Alvin) snack bar

She screamed when they talked which made them jump and she calm down and said.

(Stacey) relax Stacey your not going crazy squriells don't talk

(Alvin) hey whoa watch it missy, were not squriells were chipmunks, chip-munks

(Stacey) well chipmunks can't talk either

(Simon) well are lips are moving and words are coming out of our mouth

(Stacey) yeah I can see that, who are you guys and what do you want from me?

(Simon) hello I'm Simon the smart one and he's Alvin the... 

(Alvin) awesomeness one

(Theordre) and I'm Theordre

(Stacey) and I'm Stacey and it's very nice to meet you but your clearly not suppose to be here, so you can run along

(Theordre) then where will we go

(Stacey) I don't know back to your home, don't you have a family

(Simon) nope our parents stay with us for a week then let us stay off on our own

(Alvin) yeah our parents are hippies

(Stacey) oh my dad at work

(Theordre) what about your mom?

(Stacey) she um died about 3 years ago

(Theordre) oh I'm sorry

(Stacey) it's cool, so does all animal talk like you guys

(Simon) I believe fish know sign lanuage

(Stacey) * roll eyes* yeah sure, look I have to get back to class

(Theordre) can we come to?

(Stacey) I don't know

Theordre gave her those eyes and she sigh and said.

(Stacey) fine but I better not hear a peep out of any of you guys


(Stacey) yes you guys, now hurry up and get in my bag

Stacey helped the three of them into the bag but mostly Theordre, she quickly put everything else in her bag but carefully and hurried out of the bathroom and back to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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