Chapter 3- What Happened to Lee

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           English went well, at least for Stampy it did. Stampy was VERY eager in class, he got good grades, and was nice to everyone. I wish everyone was like him. On the other hand, I rarely raised my hand in class, I got a variety of grades, but I tried to be nice to everyone. Sometimes people would ask me why I spend time with Stamps. "Because he's my best friend," I would reply. Then they would call him a nerd, dork, goody two shoes, or something of the sort. I would nod, and pretend to agree, just to make them stop talking. Soon they would tell me I could do better, and we would go our separate ways. I have never told Stampy about the twenty or so times this conversation took place. I would block it out and continue my life, but today someone took it too far.

       "Hey, Lee! What's up?" Said Ash. Oh dear, this wasn't going to end well.

      "Ash! Haven't talked to you in awhile," I said nervously.

     "Lee, we're friends right?" He said, his tone becoming less lighthearted.

     "Yeah, I guess," I replied. I didn't know what else to say.

     "Then why are you friends with Joseph?" 


      Ash sighed before answering,"Stampy"

       Oh no, not this again. "Because he's my friend." My normal answer to questions like this.

       "Look, Lee, I get that he's yo-" I cut him off.

       "What do you mean?"

        "Hate to break it to you mate, but you could do better."

       "What? Stamps in my best friend. I don't hang out with people like you!" Now I was getting seriously upset. No one talks about Stampy like that and gets away with it.

        "Lee, he's a nerd, goody two shoes and-" He didn't finish. I raised my fist and punched Ash, right on his right eye. I'm not going to say that I'm sorry because I'm not. Ash is a jerk and he probably deserved it. 

        "Lee Rogers!" I heard a voice from behind me. Oh no. Mr. Keen, the principal, was right next to me. 

        "Mr. Keen! Lee punched me!" I heard Ash say. He was clutching his eye, as if it was going to fall out. I inwardly smirked as I turned to face Mr. Keen.

       "I can see that." Mr. Keen said flatly, "go to the nurse's office, please Mr. Dubb." Ash walked away still clutching his eye. "Mr. Rogers?"

       "Yes, Mr. Keen?" I replied. My voice was shaky.

      "I want a reason why you felt the need to punch Mr. Dubb." 

       "He was insulting my best friend," I said while looking down at my shoes.

      "Mr. Rogers, I understand that you and Mr. Garret(Stampy) are close friends, but you shouldn't have punched Ash." I nodded slowly. "You will have detention for two weeks, and you will also apologise to Mr. Dubb." I nodded again. "Now you may go to your next class." I nodded once more before I turned around and headed off to Science.

Hey everyone! I would like to note that the characters in this story are not like what they are now. I like Ash, and soon they all become friends. Happy happy joy joy! I hope you enjoyed!

>:D River

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