Chapter 28 - Seemingly Normal

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Sqaishey POV

Still snickering from what Stampy had told me this morning I made my way to lunch. Stampy's face was a mixture of disbelief, horror, and worry as he told me that Lee had had sex with Netty, and that they were together. I was happy for the new couple, but Stampy's face was the icing on the cake.

I had been spending more and more time with Stampy recently. I mean, it's not like my dad noticed. I guess that's the only plus to having a father that's drunk 99.9% of the time. In all honesty, I was scared to see him again. What if he interrogated me on where I've been. I'm not going to risk it.

My heart shot into my lungs at the thought. I shook my head and tried to continue my day. I made my way to Stampy's table to sit with him, Lee, Ash, Squid, Amy, and Stacy. 

"You're going to go sit with your loser boyfriend, Beth?" I heard a voice ask, and you'll never guess who! Emily! Big shocker, I know. Ah sarcasm, my best friend. 

"Well, Emily. At least I have a boyfriend." I called over my shoulder. I heard a faint gasp of shock. To add the cherry on the sundae of 'Hey, Emily! Screw you.' I spun around and stuck up both of my middle fingers with a snarky smile on my face. I turned back my to face my table, internally laughing at the expression on Emily's face. 

"Woooo! Go Sqaishey!" Squid whistled. I stood behind my seat and did a mock bow. 

"Thank you! Thank you everybody!" I said. Stampy stood up to hug me, but, instead, I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Right before, I turned and winked at Emily. If any of that didn't get my point across, I don't know what will. 

Stampy pulled back, a smile on his face. "Hey there ducky!" He said cheerfully. We both sat down together.

"Meow Sqaishey." I heard someone say. Across from me sat Netty. When we met she seemed skeptical about me, and I was skeptical about her. On most days she didn't even try to cover up her body. On the coldest of winter days, she still wore booty shorts and crop tops! I'll admit, I used to do that too, not anymore though! I regained my COMMON SENSE. I had heard rumors about Netty Garret throughout the school, not kind rumors. At first, I didn't even believe that this "whore" was even related to Stampy. I'm sorry, but she probably thought the same about me.

Today, she grinned at me. A truly genuine smile. I guess I could give her a chance. I gave a short laugh, "Ha, thanks, I've never gotten a 'meow' before!" I tried to smile, even though she probably could see that it was forced. Try Sqaishey, try.

"Oh Sqaishey, I don't know where that came from!" Ash said in shock, and a vague tone of I'm-impressed. I was still getting used to Ash being, well, shockingly kind. Seemingly normal. I don't know what went through him.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" I grinned, I was quite proud of myself. 

Squid took a quick glance back at Emily and raised an eyebrow, "What happened between you two anyway?"

I looked down, trying to cover my reddening eyes. I still missed Em in some retrospects, and the fight itself wasn't that bad, it was mostly how she behaved afterwards. 

"Ya know, lets not talk about this now." Oh thank god for Stampy and his caring reflexes. I swept my hair out of my face and looked back up towards the table.

"Yeah, not now." Squid nodded curtly and gave a sly glance at Lee. "Sooooooo, Leeeeee." Squid wiggled his eyebrows while Lee turned a bright shade of red.

"Oh dear," Lee muttered. Stampy chuckled and turned to face away from Lee.

"Ouch!" It turned out Lee actually elbowed Stampy.

"Wait, what happened?" Amy asked. "Lee?" 

Lee looked down again, while Netty smiled. It was a smile of we're-both-slightly-embarrassed-about-it-but-I'll-talk-about-what-happened.

"Erm well, we were playing Minecraft -" Netty started before she was cut off by Squid.

"That's exactly how any great story starts off."

"Yes, well, and, we, um, kissed? And, um, things got carried away from there, so yeah." Netty flushed red too.

"Wait, you mean you two." Amy made a motion with her hands that was not entirely appropriate.

"Well, yes?" Netty looked down after that.

Stampy grinned at Netty, "I was going to say 'screw that' but it seems you already have." Stamps pointed at Lee with one finger while the entire table, excluding Netty and Lee, cracked up into laughter. 

"Ouch! That hurt!" Stampy exclaimed. I turned to Stampy with a confused expression, "She kicked me!" He pouted. 

"Well, I can't blame her," I shrugged.

GUESS WHO'S BACK, BACK AGAIN. Okay sorry, but helloooo! I'm here, at last. Yes, I know, I missed me too! Oh well, now that that's out of the way, I hoped you enjoyed that chapter! But, real announcement! I have many more ideas for both of my books, and I'm even thinking of a one shot book or something like that, but there's a catch. I'm going to have longer chapters but, I won't necessarily update every Monday, but it will be once a week, I promise you that. Well then, I'm done! 

>:D River  

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