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The chattering of people woke me up. I turn to snuggle closer to Jc but no one was there and the bed was cold. I peeled my eyes open and saw an empty bed.

Light poured in to the poorly lit room, letting warm sun rays into the room.

I pout as I sit up in the warm side of the bed and get off, stumbling a little. My legs hurt. (😉😉😉)

After I put on a pair of Jc's sweats, I blush at the memory from last night and walk down stairs. The talking gets louder and I see Jc, and Connor?

OMFG ITS CONNOR. "CON!" I shriek loudly. They both snap their heads towards me and Connor smiles. I run to his open arms and hug him tightly. Connor returns the hug and kisses my forehead.

We unlatch from the hug and I smile at him "I missed you!" I said, smiling hugely. He smiles back at me.

"I probably missed you more." He said while sticking out his tongue. I laughed and smiled at him.

I looked over at Jc and he was wearing a dark suit. I frowned "are you going to work?"

I was hoping he could stay home and we could watch movies, since I have a day off from everything today, and my dad is seeing more friends. But, Jc has a job that he has to go to.

He pouted out his bottom lip and nodded. "Oh, alright." I smiled at him "have fun"

He nods "I'll call you later okay? And can you get dressed? My cleaning lady is coming and you need to be out soon." I was taken back by what he said. He continues staring at me.

I take that as a cue to leave and drag my feet up the stairs. I tear his soft, good smelling clothes off my body and replace it with what I was wearing yesterday. I put my hair into a bun and slip on my shoes.

"We gotta go!" Jc yelled.

"Dude, give her time." I heard Connor mumble.

I run down the marble stairs "no, it's okay, I'm ready, but how am I going to get home? You uh, drove me here." I mumbled.

Jc looked at his watch "in going to be late if I drive you home" he groaned.

"I thought you could go in at anytime." I said jokingly, trying to lighten up his mood.

"I can't do everything for you." He scoffed. My heart ached. What happened to the kind, sweet Jc?

"I get that. I wasn't saying you had to. Ya know what? It's fine I'll walk. Bye Jc, bye Con." I grab my phone and head towards the door.

"Wait." I turned around and looked at Jc, mentally smiling, because he realized he was being a dick.

"I'll call you later okay" he mumbled.

I frowned "okay." I mumbled back.

I looked at Connor and he had a sympathetic emotion on his face. I smiled at him with the corner of my mouth and walked away.

I got home, after running errands considering I was already by all the stores.

I get home and my dad was there. We spent the night cooking some weird food. It turned out terrible and my dad caught the kitchen on fire, well the stove. We ended up getting some cheap Chinese food and sitting at the table talking.

I threw our garbage away and jumped on the couch next to my dad. We binge watched Drake and Josh and had many countless conversations.

My dad ended up getting tired so we said our good nights and I went to my room.

I laid in my dark room, on the soft bed waiting for that call Jc said he was going to make.

It never happened.
It went on like this for a month until I finally quit hoping and trying. I'd occasionally text him a "hey" or "how are you" but he never seemed to answer.

again -jc caylen- discontinued :-(Where stories live. Discover now