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Jc gently grabbed my wet cheeks and wiped off the tears with the pad of his thumbs

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Jc gently grabbed my wet cheeks and wiped off the tears with the pad of his thumbs. He leaned in and softly kissed my nose then rested his forehead on mine "baby, there's nothing to worry about. We'll take care of it. I'll protect you and this baby, you guys will be safe." He whispered softly.

I start to cry a tiny bit harder from how nice and caring he was being. Jc sighs and hugs me closer to his chest.

I take this chance to nuzzle my head into his neck. The steady beat of his heart calms me down. "What are we going to do?" I ask him quietly.

"We can raise it together. We can be a family." He tells me. I look up at him, his long curls were framing his face. His beautiful imperfect, perfect face. He had acne, facial hair, and beautiful simple brown eyes. Jc put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and softly kissed my forehead.

I sighed and shook my head. He gave me a confused look as I got up from his hold and sat criss cross in front of him. I sat so close that our knees were touching and I could smell his scent; mint and cigarettes, a scent I didn't know I'd ever love.

"Jc, you already have a family." I said quietly, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Lia, and her kids." I told him, oddly feeling jealous.

"They aren't my family Sam." Jc says, he slowly intertwines our fingers together and rests our hands on my knees.

"Then why did a magazine say you were. Why did you ignore me for so long? Why Jc, why do you act like you love me then go and say hurtful things and ignore me like I meant absolutely nothing to you, like that night meant absolutely nothing to you." I snapped. I'm so done with being mentally and emotionally hurt by people.

"My boss, the bigger guy above me in my company thought it would be a good image to be seen with the sweetheart in the singing world." He confesses.

"Did you ever sleep with her? During this last month." I might be over stepping my boundaries but I deserve to know if I can trust him with my heart.

He didn't answer, just looked everywhere but where I was. I took that as a yes.

"How many times?" I whispered.

"Five" he mumbled back.

I felt tears run down my cheeks, I took my hands out of his and wiped them away. He doesn't deserve to see how he makes me feel, weather it be happening or sad.

"I swear it didn't mean anything. She's just a good time." He says quickly.

I look at him disgusted "how could you ever do that to anyone? And you could have called me Jc! You didn't need to ask your ex. What happened to you?"

"I grew up." He says.

"No Jc, you changed but for the worse. I don't even know who you are anymore." I scoot away from him and take a long shaky breath.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I do this. I'm just scared." He tells me.

"Of what?"

"Falling in love with you."

"Jc, falling in love with you is like giving you a loaded gun, pointing it at my heart and trusting you not to pull the trigger. You've pulled the trigger so many damn times, but I keep coming back"


"Because, I love you. I can't stop thinking about you." I breath out.

I see tears brim Jc's eyes. This is exactly what I was trying to steer away from when I moved out here. All this pain. Life works in an exhausting way.

"It hurts so much to love you the way I do, then look at you and realize that you don't care." I say as tears are now freely falling down my red cheeks.

I look at Jc and tears were rolling down his cheeks "I do care Samantha. If I didn't I wouldn't be here, doing this with you. I love you so much. I'm so sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I did anything to you. You don't deserve this and I definitely don't deserve your love."

He scoots closer and grabs my hand "Jc, you're a good person, you just think with the wrong head sometimes." I try to joke.

He smiles then frowns "stop being so strong. I know this is killing you and you're trying to make me smile." He says quietly.

"I hate seeing you cry." I mumble.

"I hate seeing you cry. It kills me." He says. Jc wipes the tears off his and my face with his sleeve.

"Do you think we can do this?" I ask him.

I have a feeling if we try, the road will always be bumpy, but, it would be worth it. We could have a family like we talked about. Doing this with Jc would be worth anything and everything.

"I know we can do this. It won't be easy, but we will get passed anything that life throws at us. I promise I'll be better, I'll try harder. You deserve everything. And you just continue being your cute, funny, caring self" he tells me while he rubs my knee.

I blush at his compliments, but a worrying thought comes to mind "What if I'm not a good enough mom for the baby?" I look down and play with the ring on Jc's finger.

"Look at me Sam." I slowly raise my head to look up at Jc. "You will be an amazing mother to our little alien. She's going to love you so much. You can teach her how to cook, how to do photography, draw, eat. I can teach her jokes, how to annoy you, and we can both teach her how to be smart, kind, outgoing, and amazing just like her mother." He says softly.

I smile at all the kind words "thank you Justin, why are you calling her a she?"

"Anything to see your smile Samantha, and cause I don't want to call her an it."He says.

"And I swear I'll do better. I won't hurt you anymore, I'll try to do better."

Didn't know how to end it so here ya go. It's short but I think I love this chapter:

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