Short Story #14 Part 2

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Ledger grinned at my subtle uneasiness. Straightening as much as he could in the restrictive bindings, he cleared his throat and looked me dead in the eye. "Melody, darling, why don't you just let me go? You know that I would never hurt you." He sighed, a devilish smile playing on his lips, "But we all know why that isn't possible, don't we?" I stiffened, he had hit a nerve that was quite squeamish. "Don't get in my head you worthless rat. I, nor anyone else, would ever in their right mind let you go." I spat, disgusted at the heathen and scoffed, "Who knows what havoc you would wreak if you were set free." The man only chuckled, and looked up though his brown hair matted with blood. "Oh sweetheart, you don't want to know." He roared with sickly humor. The whole time I was there I had refrained from slapping that taunting grin off of his face. Now was another story. Using as much force I could, I socked the cocky bastard in the face, nailing his on his dreadfully sharp jawline. Ledger's head was thrown to the side and he was silent for a moment before lifting his head up and staring right into my eyes. A grin spread across his face, "Come on sweetheart. I know you can do better than that." Nearly blind with fury I punched him in the stomach five times before leaning against the wall. Of course this maniac had to be an extra freak and exercise six days a week. The punches barely fazed him. Another cackle left his lips. It took all of my will power to refrain from snapping his neck. I couldn't give in, the taunting was just to lure me to his death. He wanted it. He wanted to be released from this dreadful world. And he sure was close. "Just kill me sweetie, I know you want to. I know your blood boils every time you think of me. And yet, you still keep me here. Going crazy from the constant isolation. Tell me, how would you like to be locked in the same room 24/7 and your only visitors are the person who feeds you, the person that cleanses you, and the person who put you in there in the first place? Would you still be sane, wanting to live?" I just sat there, silent. I glared disdainfully at the killer in front of me before my eyes softened slightly. For once, Ledger's eyes were filled with raw emotion. His eyes pleaded for something I would not give. But what if I released him . . . Satisfaction flashed in his eyes as he saw my weakened resolve before converting back to the injured puppy look. He wanted me to lose. He was playing with my mind because as an actual human, I felt sympathy. I mentally cursed myself for giving into the temptation to help another human being. I stood, I wasn't going to take any more of this bull crap. In two quick steps I was next to that thing, and broke his arm. Instead of a cry of pain, it was one of pleasure. He was enjoying this. I quickly punched the arrogant and congenial smile that seemed to be etched into his handsome features. Swing after swing did nothing to diminish his happiness. The horrible, taunting grin only grew with each punch. With one final scream of frustration I gripped the sides of his head and was this close to breaking his neck. The expectant smirk that crowded his bloody face was the only thing that stopped me. This was his plan all along. Get me so infuriated that I would kill him out of frustration. I threw his head out of my hands and wiped the blood off on my cargo pants. Adrenaline was pumping in my veins and my heartbeat was a mile a minute. I had to get out of there before I killed the both of us. Frustration clearly etched into my face as I stormed out of the room. A high pitched cackle rang thought the room and reverberated throughout the hall. I didn't bother closing the sound proof metal door. Someone else could handle that. Those sickening cackles followed be down the hall and out of the door. Even though I was safely out of the cell room, I could still hear the maniac loud and clear.


Hey y'all! I hope you liked this story. Did the suspense kill you? Or did you survive through the agony? Probably the latter because my writing isn't that good. If you think otherwise good for you . . . and me I guess. I know you still love me though. Okay, what did you think about the characters? Ledger is kind of crazy though. (You:*scoffs* Kind of?) Much like all of my other stories, it's super weird and seems like a desperate cry for help, but don't worry. I'm (mostly) sane. This is truthfully one of the weirder stories that I've written, but to be honest I can do much weirder. One of the reasons that I love Wattpad is that your writing can be really crappy but you can still share it with the world and get feedback. It helps you develop as a writer. And if you only get this far, it doesn't matter because your story is still out there and other people can read it and you just get this wonderful feeling when you see how many people have read it. Speaking of which, I would like to mention that I have at least 100 reads and that is just a major thing for me because I am just some kid from Texas. And hey, even though I saw 'y'all' a lot, I do not have a southern accent. Nor do I ride a horse to school. That would be outrageous. I actually haven't ridden a horse other than in circles at one of those petting zoo things. I don't fit the stereotype. Country music is cool but not my main genre. I mostly stick to alternative rock and other things related to that. I'm sorry this turned into me rejecting the Texas stereotype and why I didn't fit it, but I just don't like the prejudices. Mostly I'm like, "Seriously? Why would I ride a horse to school? Where would I even put it? Nearly a thousand people go to my school, we honestly don't have that much room." Okay, I'm such a weird person. Vote. Comment. Follow. Whatever floats your boat. Love y'all. Peace.
~Weird Writer

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