Chapter 2

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When I touched another person's hand, I glanced up.

"My bad, I wasn't paying attention. Let me help you with yo' stuff," his country slang sent chills down my spine.

"Oh, It's okay! And thanks!" I replied avoiding eye contact with him.
"No problem"
Then there was an awkward silence. I grabbed my belongings out of his hands, and turned away trying to avoid looking him in his face. He made my heart rate speed up when he spoke to me. Which was weird to me, because I was never the type to really get shy around boys.

As I was I walking I felt someone touch my arm. I jumped, and I quickly jerked around.
"I'm sorry, but I ain't get your name" he grinned his flawless smile.

"Amari. My name's Amari." I replied, still not looking him in the face.

"Well hey Amari, I'm Trey." he smirked.

If I was three shades lighter, I swear my face would've been red as a tomato.

"Hello Trey" I flashed him a smile.

"You gotta cute ass smile" he compliemented.

"Me? Well thanks."I looked down at my feet.

Trey's P.O.V

"Me? Well thanks." She seemed so unsure of her self. I couldn't believe a beautiful girl like herself would doubt themselves.

"You're welcome Amari" Was she crazy? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The girl that stood before me was gorgeous. Her smile was beautiful. Shit, she was beautiful. I could tell by the way she looked at the ground, she was shy as hell. I liked that. She wasn't another hoe that practically threw themselves at me. Amari was different. Her smooth chocolate skin, plump lips, perfect smile, filled out body, long legs, and long curly hair. She was the definition of gorgeous.

"Well Trey, I have to go. Thanks again." She interrupted my thoughts. Before I could respond, she was on her way down the hall. I was left in the empty hallway. I walked down the hallway, thinking of Amari. It was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on it.

Amari's P.O.V.

I headed to class. I was about 5 minutes late because of the what happened in the hallway. I walked into class and everyone looked at me.
"Ms. Carter? You're late. Have a seat," Mr.Jones said sternly.

"Yes sir."

I hated the fact that if you were late to class, everyone would stare! That was my biggest pet peeve. Once I was settled, the class went by slow. Throughout the period I continued feeling sharp pains in my lower stomach, similar to a cramp. I was probably about to start my cycle. It was that time of the month which I dreaded. I was going to check with Mel and see if she had some ibuprofen or something.

Finally the school day had ended, and I walked to Mel's car and waited on her.

"Whats up?"she walked up to me.

"Nothing girl, just tired! And I gotta work tonight!" I sighed. I hated my job with a passion.

"On the first day? You always at work. What time you gotta go?" She asked.

"I have to be there at 5:00." I looked down at my phone seeing it was only 3:50.

"Aw okay, well we got time to get something to eat"

She then drove us to get some Chick-fil-a. I didn't get anything to eat because I couldn't afford to eat out. I was saving every penny I earned, so I could get me a car and an apartment. I was tired off depenfing people for transportation.

As Mel ate, we talked about our day. I filled her in on everything that had happened in the hallway between me and Trey.

"Trey Trey ? That Trey? Tall, caramel skin? Curly hair? Pretty eyes? Basketball player?"

"Yes, that Trey!" I giggled, just thinking about him made me feel all giddy inside.

"Girl, you better get him before I do" I laughed at her.

This girl was so damn crazy. I didn't if he really liked me or not, let alone found me attractive. He could've just been running game like the rest of these boys. I shook the thought and just enjoyed my time with my girl.

After we left Chickfila she stopped at my house, so I could ready for work. I walked past Brandon who was sitting on the couch.

"Hey babygirl," he greeted with a sly smirk on his face.

I looked at him in disgust. I was so sick of him.

I ignored him and made my way upstairs. I was scared as hell every time I walked in this house.

It was around 4:30 and I had 30 minutes to get dressed and get to work. I worked at a ran down cafe called "Al's". I hated it, but lord knows I needed the money. I've been saving up for three years to move out of the hell hole and be more independent. I didn't want to need those bastards for nothing.

I quickly got ready, still ignoring the pains in my tummy. 'Maybe I'm just hungry' I thought to myself. I made a mental note to eat when I got to work. I sighed as I walked downstairs.

"Where the hell are you going?" Brandon retorted.

"Work,"I shot back.

Him and my mom were laid out on the couch. I could tell they were high. When my mom was high she acted like another person. It was scary. When she was around Brandon she acted like a whole other person all together.

"You need to watch the way you talk to him, he grown. You a little girl. I'm tired of you disrespecting him Amari. You need to act like you got some sense." My mom cut in.

"Pshh, at this point, I don't care. I don't owe him a damn thing. I take so much shit from y'all" I addressed while tying my apron around my waist.

I saw my mom starting to sit up on the couch out of the corner of my eye. "Mind running that by me again Amari?"

"You sit your ass there and watch while he puts his hands on me! His perverted ass took away my innocence! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SIT THERE AND DEFEND HIM!" I snapped, on the verge of tears. I was fed up with their bullshit.

My mom rose from her seat, I could see the anger in her eyes. I already knew I was probably about to have to fight her, because my momma didn't tolerate disrespect at all. At this point I really didn't care. "Lil girl who the hell are you talking to? You then blew my high. " she scoffed.

"And?" I don't know were I was getting this confidence all of a sudden.

"You disrespectful ass lil girl! I don't have to put up with your shit. Get the fuck out of here!" Her words cut me deep, I couldn't lie. I wanted to cry, but I was sick of wasting my tears. I couldn't believe her.

"You know what? Fuck you! Fuck both of y'all!" I screamed. I slapped her right across the face. Never in my life have I disrespected an adult. I was pushed to my breaking point. She held her cheek. "You act like I asked for this life! I wouldn't want anything more in life than a better momma!"

With that my mom charged me. I tried to move, but she was faster.

She kicked me right in the stomach. I flew into the wall. She repeatedly punched and kicked me any place she could.

Once again, I felt sharp pains in my stomach. The pains were so intense this time. I couldn't even cry. I was too weak and tired to fight her back. I started coughing uncontrollably. I was choking on my own blood. I couldn't breathe

-I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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