Chapter 23

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Today was my big day, and I was excited for it. Graduation. It's hard to believe that I was 18, and was finally graduating high school. It was honestly a blessing because when I look back, I have no idea how I managed to keep up.

It was now four thirty and the graduates had to be at the arena by 5 because the graduation started at 5:30. The arena was at least a fifteen minute drive from the apartment and I didn't want to be late today, so I was pretty much rushing Melanie.

"I can't zip up my dress. I don't think it fits me anymore. I'm gaining way too much weight." Melanie rambled on and on almost in tears. I swear she would cry over any and everything. I walked over to her and easily zipped up the back of her dress. Her face showed a look of shock. "How you do that Mari?" I rolled my eyes. She was getting on my nerves.

"Get your stuff so we can go." I told her, preparing to walk out of her room.

"Wait," she called. I turned around to face her. "Could you curl my hair?" I sighed.

"Really Melanie? What's wrong with it straight? I think it looks cute like that and straight hair looks better under a cap." I explained. She was looking as if she was really contemplating the decision.

"You right." I was about to walk out again and she stopped me again. "Can you put on my heels for me?" she asked.

She was working my everlasting damn nerves. "Sure, Anything for my baby Melanie!" She let out a breath at my sarcastic tone. She has really been annoying me with this pregnancy. She'd wake me up at all times of night when she had heartburn, gas, or when she was craving something. You'd think I was her baby daddy instead of Chris.

I successfully strapped Melanie's heels, and we were out the door since our caps and gowns were already in my car.

"Amari, can you stop by McDonald's or something? I'm starving." Melanie asked. She was giving me a damn headache. I mean we'd just eaten pizza at the house like 30 minutes ago and her fatass was hungry again! I didn't complain, I just pulled into the nearest Mcdonald's drive thru. I ordered her the usual: 2 Big Macs with extra cheese, an apple pie, a large fry, and a large sweet tea. She handed me the money to pay for her food and we were finally on our way to the arena. Once we parked, I pulled down my visor mirror to check my hair and makeup.

"Amari, come on! You can do that inside, we about to be late because of your ass." Mel huffed. I looked at this heffa like she was crazy because she was out of her mind. We were late because of her. I just ignored her, because I was in the mood to hurt her feelings with her sensitive ass.

I turned the car off and got out before I said something mean to Mel. I grabbed my cap and gown out of the backseat and Mel did the same. We entered the arena, late of course. It was 5:10. We were suppose to be here at 4:45.

We checked in and was escorted to our seats since we were seated in alphabetical order. I was actually sitting behind Chris. I began venting to him about the mother of the child and how worsesum she is.

"I mean she's been working my nerves! I love my best friend but could you please spend the night with her more or something? Because this girl thinks I'm her babydaddy!" I explained to him. He busted out laughing.

"Yea Mari, I'll start spending the night more if that'll make you feel better. I'll ask my mom's if she spend some nights at my house too. I'm pretty sure she won't mind." I sighed.

"GOOD." we both laughed, but he changed the subject "Sooo, how was the other night?" I snapped my head at him. "Huhh? Nothing happened..." I explained.

"Mari, don't be lying. I already know you and Trey went out." I let out a breath.

"Yea, we did. I mean, we aren't back together or anything. We just talked, that's it." That was the truth. I guess you could say Trey and I were friends. At this time, I had no intentions on getting back with Trey, honestly. I don't take being lied to and cheated on lightly.

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