Midnight Wishes

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Isabel Drew woke for the 3rd time that night. She looked at the clock and groaned. In bright lights, it read: 11:56. She decided then and there that sleep was not going to be an option tonight.

She sat up an rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She had woken up almost every half hour since she had fallen asleep reading her favorite book about wars between fairy kingdoms.

As she flicked on her lamp, her gaze settled on the book. She sadly smiled at it. "Guess it's just you and me tonight, huh?"

If the book could look back at her, Isa imagined it looking at her with a quizzical expression wondering why on earth this random girl was talking to it as though it were an  animate object.

Isa sighed seeing that even her own book thought her crazy and flipped the book over. The book's back showed a stunning picture of the book's heroine as she flew to battle with her hair flowing beautifully behind her, her fairy wings perfectly caught in the moment of flight and her bow drawn. A look of courage in the girl's eyes.

Isa loved that book because the heroine was her age. Somehow, it didn't seem it. Isa had grown very fond of this book since the first time she read it years and years ago. Isa used to be excited for the year she could imagine being the main character, Violet's, best friend or being Violet herself. However, now that the year was here, Isa couldn't help but notice that the feeling was totally unexpected. She felt absolutely none of that. Violet had freedom that Isa would possibly never have, bravery that Isa would never have, abilities that boring old Isa would never have. Violet was a cool, level-headed, brave, outgoing, beautiful, all around amazing person. And almost everything Isa felt she wasn't.

The only accomplishment Isa could make of herself was that she was smart. Anything involving strategy, logic or any type of brain power, really, was something Isa could immediately solve or plan. She was the perfect example of a book worm: smart, shy, short. The Three S's, Isa liked to call them. She felt they portrayed the textbook example of a book worm, although they weren't always true.

Isa looked at herself in the mirror hanging opposite her bed. She looked and saw her wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Then she looked at Violet's stunning blue eyes and red hair. Everything about Isa was plain and ordinary. She looked back at her reflection with sadness in her boring brown eyes. "We'll never be remarkable, will we?"

Her own sad face gave her the answer she already knew. "We'll never be like Violet or really anyone in any interesting position."

As her reflection agreed with her, Isa felt a burst of determination.

"No." She told herself. "There's an adventure out there for us. There has to be. We are meant for something great and wonderful. Our adventure just hasn't found us, yet."

Isa laid back down and closed her eyes, her imagination thinking of all the possibilities of adventures. Deep down, she knew that she couldn't just be some boring extra in the background of someone's story. She was meant for so much more. I have to be. She thought to herself. I can't just be an ordinary, boring, nobody, right? There has to be something.

The Untold Story Of Isabel Drew Where stories live. Discover now