A Muggleborn and a Pureblood

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The next moments of her life were a blur and, before she knew it, Isa found herself hugging her parents goodbye before climbing onto the train.

"Write to us!" Isa's mother wiped the tears that were forming.
Isa smiled. "Every week, mom."
Isa's father hugged her and planted a kiss on Isa's forehead. "Be good and don't get into trouble."
"When do I ever?" Isa hugged her father.

Isa settled down in the tiny compartment towards the back of the train she had found empty. She looked out the window and found her parents standing by the gate, trying not to look like they had no idea what they were doing. Isa laughed a little to herself and continued looking around.  There were tons of families, some waiting for the train to leave like hers, others trying to get their kids completely situated and on the train.

It would've been so cool to grow up like this, Isa thought to herself. The train had started to move and you waved as all the parents and families started waving, calling their student's name. Some running with the train until they were out of sight.
But then this wouldn't feel half as special. And you'd be thinking the opposite way. Wishing you'd grown up like you are now, herself replied.
Well, yeah, but at least then I wouldn't feel so out of place.

"Excuse me?" A voice pulled Isa out of her quickly deflating conversation. Isa turned from the window to see the girl with fiery red hair she had seen at Diagon Alley. "Can I sit here? My brothers are being jerks and not letting me sit with them."
Isa noticed her shyness started up and forced it down. "Sure."

The girl closed the compartment door behind her, shutting the noise of everyone's conversations out. She sat in the seat opposite of Isa and stuck out her hand. "I'm Ginny."
Isa shook her hand, "Isa."
"Is it your first year at Hogwarts, too." Ginny asked with wide eyes.
"Is it that obvious?" Isa chuckled nervously.
"Most people who have gone to Hogwarts already have their group of friends." Ginny paused. "You were sitting alone."
"It might've helped if I had a clue as to what I'm doing." Isa muttered, not expecting Ginny to hear.
"Muggleborn, then?"
Isa sighed and rolled her eyes. "This probably answers your question, but I have no idea what that even means. I'm so tired of hearing it left and right."
Ginny laughed. "I bet. I can't imagine being muggleborn and not understanding any of this." Ginny vigorously waved her arms everywhere trying to gesture to everything.
"Muggleborn just means your parents are muggles." Ginny eyes Isa cautiously, "You do know what muggles means, right?"
Isa smiled, relieved. "That is about the first thing that I can say I do know."
The two girls laughed while another girl opened the door to the compartment.
"Ginny, have you seen Harry or Ron?" Isa recognized this girl as the girl with frizzy brown hair at Diagon Alley.
"No." Ginny said. "None of us have seen either since getting onto the platform."
The girl nodded and walked away muttering about how they were going to get themselves expelled before the term even started.
Ginny turned back to Isa, "That was Hermione. She's a year ahead of us."
"Who was she talking about?" Isa asked. Isa was always naturally curious sometimes when it wasn't really her business. Especially when it wasn't her business.
"Harry and Ron? That's my brother and his..." Ginny blushed and became unnaturally shy, "friend."
"Friend?" Isa asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep." Ginny choked out, now as red as a tomato.
"Nothing special about this 'brother's friend'?" Isa teased.
Ginny's face returned to its color. "Well he's famous." Ginny quipped, happy to have found some other angle to talk about Harry.
"Famous?" Isa asked, genuinely surprised.
"Oh that's right." Ginny smacked her forehead. "You don't know."

Ginny launched into a story of a powerful dark wizard who was defeated by a small baby, how it was one of the biggest mysteries in the wizarding world, and how the baby, Harry Potter, had reappeared last year and the adventures he went on as first year.

Throughout the story, Isa couldn't help but become shocked at this boy's bravery. And sheer stupidity. Isa noticed that bravery like this couldn't be very common in the wizarding world. Ginny's face mirrored the awe and admiration Isa felt even though Ginny had probably heard the stories millions of times.

Ginny was about to talk about how her brother's had broken Harry out of his own house over the summer when Hermione entered the cabin. "Ginny why aren't you dressed? We're going to be arriving soon and it isn't practical to be late on your first five minutes at Hogwarts."
"Did you just come in here to scold me?" Ginny glared at Hermione.
"Well, no." Hermione glanced around nervously. She stepped into the compartment and shut the door behind them. "I haven't seen Harry or Ron anywhere and I'm really nervous. It's not like even them to disappear like this."
"They're probably off with the invisibility cloak spying on Malfoy or something." Ginny reasoned. "Even they wouldn't miss the train to Hogwarts."
"I suppose you're right." Hermione noticed Isa for about the first time ever and her eyes brightened. "Are you a new first year?"
Isa cautiously nodded and Ginny spoke up. "Hermione, this is Isabel Drew. Isa, this is Hermione Granger."

Hermione eagerly struck out her hand and Isa smiled and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Isa. I'm a second year." Hermione told her. "I hope you have the most wonderful time at Hogwarts. I know I did my first year and I definitely had my share of adventures. I don't recommend you do, it could cost your house a lot of points. Speaking of which, what house do you think you'll be in? I'm a Gryffindor."

Isa blinked several times as she tried to comprehend all the information that had been thrown upon her. Noticing her apparent confusion, Hermione chuckled. "Sorry about that. I tend to be quite overwhelming when I meet new people."
"Just a bit." Isa smiled as Hermione laughed.
"Anyway, your first year is going to be great. There is so much to learn and so much to see. I suppose you're a muggleborn, too?" Hermione spoke more relaxed and slow this time.
"Wait you're a muggleborn?" Isa couldn't hide the surprise in her voice.
"Of course." Hermione said. "Is it that hard to believe?"
"Well, no. It just seemed like I was the only person who had no idea what I was doing. I didn't think there were other people like me, er us, sorry."
"There are plenty of muggleborns in the wizarding world. And we've gotta stick together." Hermione winked at Isa.
Isa smiled. "Definitely."
"Hey, don't go banding against me now." Ginny complained, causing everyone to laugh.

Hermione left not long after to continue to search for Harry and Ron.

"Guess we should change into our uniforms." Ginny said, looking at all the people walking past the compartment in their robes.
"Yeah." Isa agreed. The girls pulled their robes on and, when the train arrived, nervously walked off the train together towards a loud voice yelling, "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"

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