Diagon Alley

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Time seems to slow when someone wants it to go fast. Isa spent her entire weekend wishing time could speed up or simply skip. She seemed to check the clock every 15 minutes hoping it was time to end that day and start the next. No one in her family seemed to think about anything else than the two letters that had come. However, no one had spoken about it. Long pauses came in meals as the family thought about how their lives has turned upside down in the past few days. Normal lazy summer days became full of anxious energy. Isa's parents couldn't focus much on their jobs and often sat in chairs and stared through windows lost in thought. Isa's mind was taken completely off reading and the growing piles of books in her room had stopped. Nothing was as any member of her family had expected for their summer.

Finally, on Tuesday morning, Isa's mother spoke about the elephant in the room. "I believe we have to buy your books and supplies, Isa." She had said it so calmly, it seemed as though they were talking about a normal subject.

Isa looked at her mother in surprise. Her mother looked at both her husband and her daughter's shocked faces and set her fork down with a sigh. "It's no use just ignoring it and expecting it to just go away."
"We're not ignoring it." Her father spoke, "It's just a huge shock to all of us."
"Where are we even going to go?" Isa asked. "I doubt there's a mall that will just sell magic school supplies."
"The letter sent us instructions remember?" Isa's mother got the letter from the counter where it had laid untouched since the day it was received. "It says to go to the Leaky Cauldron and ask for Diagon Alley."
As much as Isa's world was spinning, she couldn't help but listen to a small part of her telling her that all of this was real. It wasn't a dream and for once, it wasn't her imagination telling her that.
"We'll go tomorrow. First thing in the morning." Her mother decided.

And just like that, it was set. The family finished their breakfast and went about their day normally, for the first time since hearing from Hogwarts. Isa's parents, having finally accepted it and dealt with what they were going to do, were able to finally put it from their minds and have a, somewhat, normal day.

Isa, however, was bursting with excitement. She walked up to her room and read the letters over and over on her bed. She read them so many times, she had begun to memorize them. She looked up at her mirror on the opposite wall and smiled. "I told you something would happen." She told it smiling the hardest she ever had. "I told you we were special." Her reflection smiled back at her with the same excitement that Isa felt.

At some point in the night, Isa had fallen asleep. She didn't know when, but when she opened her eyes again, it was to her mother calling, "Isabel Eleanor Drew, I know you heard me the first time, GET UP!"

Isa groggily opened her eyes and wondered why on earth her mother was waking her up so early. It was summer for goodness sake! As Isa sat up, her gaze landed on the two letters beside her bed.

She immediately stood up, remembering suddenly about her mysterious letters from Hogwarts, and ran about her room getting dressed and ready for the day. She bolted down stairs to see her mother and father waiting for her.

"About time, Isa." Her mother scolded. "You'd think you'd have been up before the crack of dawn waiting for us, but instead you decide to be Sleeping Beauty for the first time in your life."
Although her mother was scolding her, Isa couldn't help but smile at the opportunities that today could bring. "Good morning, mom!" Isa pecked her mother on the cheek. And did the same to her father. "Good morning, dad."

Isa's mother rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Go eat some breakfast, quickly. We have to leave soon."

Isa shoved a bowl of cereal down her throat and, in no time at all, they were off. Isa's father drove towards London and, before they knew it, they were standing in front of a tiny pub.

The Untold Story Of Isabel Drew Where stories live. Discover now