Winner of the Phoenix Games- DestinyGeo AKA Amberlynn Dynlain

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How do you feel about winning the Phoenix Games?

 Winning the Phoenix Games made my day because it was great to achieve something after the hard work I put into all my entries. It was a tough competition and I think all of the amazing tributes deserved to win.

Is this the first Games you’ve ever won?

I've never won a Wattpad writing competition before, so that also made winning the Phoenix Games special to me.

What was your favorite part of the Games?

My favourite part of the Games was working with my friend Emma (xPrayingForLightx) who was my ally. Her character, Ashley, and my character, Amberlynn, worked together to try and survive the Games. I really enjoyed this as Emma and I tried to have the same entries, except from each of our character's perspectives. We would take it in turns to plan out what would happen in our entries, this making our entries seem more realistic. I really enjoyed this as it gave me the chance to work with an amazing friend of mine.

Would you participate in any of our future Games? If so, do you plan on trying to win that one too, or just do it for the fun of it?

I don't plan on entering any more competitions on Wattpad, unfortunately, as they take up a lot of my time and I really want to complete the edit of my book, The Silver Hearts. Not to mention the rewrite of my other book that I've been ignoring for a year now... I really enjoyed the Phoenix Games, but I would probably only enter another competition if the theme of it really caught my attention or if it was something I had never seen on Wattpad before. I always try my best in competitions as it's great to win, but I never enter a competition just to win. I enter a competition for the experience and to have fun.

How long ago did you join Wattpad and how did you find the site?

 I joined Wattpad on the 10th October 2011, so I've been here for over two years now! When I moved from England to Australia, I started writing, and my new friends in Australia recommend I try posting some of my books online on Wattpad. I had previously been a member of the writing site Figment, but I didn't like the way it was set up and so I stopped posting my work. It took a while, but eventually I got used to Wattpad and met some amazing people on this website.

What is your favorite part about Wattpad?

 My favourite part of wattpad is the many amazing people I get to interact with. It's amazing having people reading my work, the support means so much to me and every time I see someone voting or commenting on my work it makes my day. Wattpad allows me to find and talk to people who are enthusiastic about the same fandoms as me, such as Merlin, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Harry Potter and so many more. I've also had so many people on this website help me improve my writing and I've been able to keep in contact with a few of my friends in England.

What’s your favorite story of yours? Favorite of another (either on or off of Wattpad)?

 My favourite story of mine would either be The Silver Hearts or Poison Paradise. The Silver Hearts is completed, and I like it because it really tested my skills as a writer. I had to make up a whole new world and new creatures that are completely of my own creation. It's a story about a war that happens between two species after one invades the other's planet. There's no proper 'villain' in the story, it's more about the reader's interpretation. Both sides are in the wrong, yet both sides have reasons for the way they act. The story follows several characters on their journey trying to survive and do what is right. It really shows that your actions can have a big affect on other people, even people you don't know. 

Poison Paradise is my new book, which isn't completed, but I do upload often. It's the first book in the prequel series to The Silver Hearts. It's about a place called Sanctuary under the ground where the citizens are controlled by the leaders. Each person is given a number at birth, and this determines their whole life. Where they live, who they know, what job they have and other factors. The main character begins to see the flaws in Sanctuary and the way that even though the leaders try, they cannot hide all their secrets. 

Bloodlines and Harry Potter are my two favourite series of books not on wattpad. My favourite books on wattpad are Almost Loved by ch4rmed and Within by xPrayingForLightx. Almost Loved has to be the best romance book I have ever read, it's not cliché at all and the characters are amazing! Within has an amazing concept and each character has their own unique story, I just love everything about the book! 

Yes, I know you only asked for one book to be my favourite, but I just couldn't decide.

What is your favorite genre to write in and why?

My favourite genre to write in would have to be fantasy. I find that fantasy allows me to use my imagination to its limit and that nothing is impossible. I find other genres really restricting sometimes, but fantasy allows me to do so much more with my story.

 If you could say one thing to your fans, what would it be? 

 To my fans I would like to say thank you so much for all of your support. To anyone who votes, comments, reads, adds my story to their reading list to read later or follows, you are all helping me continue writing! Without you fans I do not think I would have been able to finished Fallen Allegiance, my most popular book on wattpad, and Rising Vengeance, its sequel. You fans gave me the support I needed to continue writing, even when I thought my books weren't worth continuing. Even though the big majority of you fans are silent, you are still supporting me, and it means a lot to me. So thank you for supporting my books and reading about the characters and new places I have created. They have become a big part of my life, and I hope you have grown to love them as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2013 ⏰

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