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I wake up by I loud noise (BANG) I hit my head and moun in pain and whispering to myself "ouch" I got out of bed only to see dad doing another wood thingy "Dad are you kidding me " I whimped , "oh sorry I forgot you were here " he laughed a little ,

"Ugh" I limped back to my room while rubbing my head
I'm so tired " I said to myself and before i could do anything my alarm went of , I was pissed cause I didn't get no sleep what so ever , I got ready put on my clothes and walked to school with my friends
(Brianna Khloe , Lexi)
they all came in and say , Hay Hannah " I walked out the door with big black bags under my eyes
:Brianna(What happened to you another late night??)
:Me(I wish , ugh but it was my stupid dads wood work)
:Khloe(Bummer I mean yeah...)
:Lexi(I slept at my bf's house watched scary movies it was super fun)
:All(We know ) we all said in a frustrating way
:Me(Anyway I heard James is having another awesome party) I said in a exited way
:Brianna(Yeah but we're not going I mean , James is starting to be a perv) she said In a awkward voice and bored
:Khloe(I know I mean I caught him looking at my mum while biting his lips)she said out loud in a pissed way and she rolled her eyes
:Lexi( Look were here , at school (AKA) S six C Crule H Hours O Of O Our L Life)
we all laugh and almost cried laughing I fell on the ground laughing my head of almost wetting my pants
((((Mean while in class))))
:Lexi(Whispers , you should get a bf , on a dating website )
She smirked at me while Brianna and Khloe nodding there head with agree ment
:Me(NOWAY I'm happy with my life right now
:Me( Hay dad I'm home) while dad ignored me while doing another stupid wood thingy
(In my head : Sigh)
I ended up cooking my own Dinner Chinese , it was steaming hot and I had to cool it of then I made my bed and drifted of to sleep.....(To be Continued)

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