Chapter Two

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*Alex's POV*

Walking into the pavilion, I hear wolf whistles from the teenagers that came in today. I ignore them and walk up to the Colonel. "Sir." I say, smiling towards him. He smiles back, "Alex." We get into a line, standing in front of the newbies.

"Now. Today, Alex here will show you around the camp. We do have some ground rules...
1. No talking while Alex is talking.
2. No disturbing anyone else while they're working.
3. You will listen to Alex and Jason the whole time.
4. Do not touch anything you're not supposed to.
5. Do not be late to anything.
6. No smoking in places that have no smoking signs. i.e., NO buildings.
7. Respect Alex and Jason. They're your roll models.
Understood? Great. Alex, Jason. You may begin." Colonel Monroe states, then walks out. Leaving Jason and I to deal with everyone.

"Well. Welcome to your new home for the the next month.... You will eat here... Sleep here... Train here... And follow orders here." I state, waking back and forth in front of them. "Stand." They do and I stop, facing them. "ATTENTION." I raise my voice a bit, Jason stands at attention, showing them and they follow. "You are now standing at attention. This is how you will be standing, unless you are called to be at ease... Back straight..." I straighten someone's back as my circling them. "Chin held high, looking forward." Now I put someone's head up and towards the front. "You will not watch me, Jason, or anyone else who is talking to you while you're at attention. You keep your eyes to the front. Hands to your sides... You will not speak unless spoken too. If you are talking to higher rank, you will respond with sir, or ma'am." I state.

I make my way back to the front of the room and scan my eyes over the crowd again. I raise an eyebrow and see everyone at attention pretty well. I nod, "Great. At ease." Jason stands at ease, his hands now folded behind his back, again, everyone following. "This is being at ease." I look around once again, nodding I tell them, "Not bad newbies..."

"Now, follow. We're going to show you around." I state and Jason and I go first, everyone following us in a two column line as told. "You're to far or too close if you're not in full extended arms length of the person in front of you." I say, continuing walking to our first stop, which was the training area.

"This is where you will train, you will be taught to fight, to dodge, and if needed, take someone down when you do not have a weapon." I say, looking at some of the guys that have been here for a while who are training. We watch them, a couple of guys sparring, a couple of them sneaking and taking down a couple dummies, and some who are doing the obstacle course. We move on to the next month place, the weight room.

Walking in, there are men and woman with their ear buds in. "This is the weight room. It's where you will build up muscle to be able to lift an average sized man, weighing about 200-250 pounds." I say, and then someone pipes up, "Yeah? Well when would we need to carry someone else... They have legs, they can walk themselves." I turn around, one eyebrow raised. I walk and stand in front of him. "ATTENTION." I say to him. He doesn't go into attention. "You have been called to attention.... I suggest you do go to attention before you find out what happens." He then goes at attention, everyone else watching quietly.

"What is your name?" I ask him. "T- Tyler, ma'am." He stutters. "Well Tyler, let me tell you why you need to lift an average sized man...." I start, "When you are in combat, there is a very high chance of getting your or another persons leg blown off by a grenade. Then when that happens, you cannot lose that solider. So you will have to lift them up, carrying them to safety. Because when their leg is blown off, they cannot walk for themselves. They will depend on you, you will depend on them. These men and woman become your brothers, sisters, best friends... You would help your siblings or best friend, right?" I say to him.

"Y- Yes M- Ma'am..." He stutters once more. I smirk and turn back around, leaving him at attention. Then continuing what I'm saying.

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