Chapter 3

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*Alex's POV*

Once done giving them a tour and working on what they need to know, Jason and I bring them to where thy are sleeping.

Tyler hasn't said anything since I scared him breathless in the gym. Good thing too, Jason said I looked like I was about flip him. I don't blame him thinking that though, I wanted to when he started mouthing off.

But then again, I am professional. So flipping someone on the first day of them being here isn't good for my reputation around here. It would also land me a spot in the Colonels office.

He doesn't like fighting on base. He's afraid that we will lose our way. That's why we take in newbies, to get them back on track, and showing them what the real world is like, is the only way to do so. But being me, I'm the lucky one who always ends up showing them around, putting them back onto the right path.

Next thing I know, I'm shooting targets, trying to get my frustration out. I've been thinking about my family a lot lately. How they pushed me away when I told them I signed myself up for this lifestyle. I told them that if I got drafted, I would go. There was nothing left for me back in Texas.

My mother was disappointed, she turned away from me. I don't know if it was because she was scared or just because she expected me to grow up to be a Lawyer like her and her mother. But honestly, I didn't want to do that.

My father... Well, I don't know where he is. No one does anymore. He left when I was young, so I barely knew him... But my younger brother, he's only sixteen, soon to be seventeen. He's old enough to know I got myself into. He thought it was cool at first. Then he realized how long I could be gone for. He had one of his moments, but then he gave in.

Trevor and I still write every now and then. Not as much as we used to when I was first brought out here. In his last letter, he said mom has turned to drinking now. Do I feel bad for leaving? Not really... I never had any friends before I came here. The guys here are the only friends I've ever had. I was always shy, insecure and I couldn't speak up for myself.

But when I started training, I grew more confident, became more outgoing and I was able to speak up for myself. At the age of twenty three, I'm more likely able to blow someone's brains out with amazing acurracy then I ever was before. Before I wouldn't have even been able to touch a gun.

"Hey Alex." Jordan says, walking up to me from behind. I out down the gun, "Hey Jordan." I say to him. "What are you doing here?" He asks me, taking the gun from hand and firing off a couple bullets himself.

I shrug, not sure on what to tell him. "Just... Thinking is all." I finally say to him, giving him a vague answer. He nods, not wanting to push me. He knows I'm not one for talking about what I'm thinking of. "I see," He finally says, but then continues. "There's mail that came in for you. I think it's Trevor." I nod at him, he puts the gun away, then turns to me, waiting for me for go ahead of him.

I turn, then getting my legs to start working once again, I walk to Dave. He hands out the mail to everyone. "Hey Dave, what's new?" I ask him, getting his attention. "Ah, Alex. Well, nothing new that's for sure." He chuckles, I nod as he hands me my mail.

I look at the address, Trevor. I smile and open the envelope, wondering what's going on this time.

"Dear Alex,

How is everything? I'm sorry I haven't been able to write you back for a while. I miss you, so does Max, (Max is their German Shephard) he has been going to your room and trying to get in. Mom had the locks changed, so now your room can't get accessed. Believe me, I've tried... Heh. Don't tell mom that.

Alex, when will you be able to come home? Things aren't going well here and I need my big sister to help me. Mom has gotten worse, she has started smoking too. She's really taking you gone hard. I try to help her but she doesn't listen to me. Oh well. Maybe she will listen to you.

But anyway, school is going fine. I just got my end of the year report card. Straight A's! I know you told me to do better in school while you were gone, to be the man that dad wasn't. I think for my birthday I'm going to ask a couple of my friends to hang out. I don't want anything to spectacular. I wish you were here.

I love you, Alex. Don't die on me out there, okay?


By the end of the letter, I felt guilt wash over me like a wave hit me. I can't believe I left him with her. She's not a role model to him anymore. While I was there she would show us how to act, how to treat people... I don't think she's even doing that for him anymore. Folding the paper back up and putting it in the envelope, I sigh.

I put the envelope in the box with the rest of his letters to me. I've kept them all. Just to make sure I don't slip away from my one true family member that still cares. I need to get him something from here. It would only be right since I'm not there to celebrate another one of his birthdays.

This is his first birthday without me and it doesn't sound like he's taking it well. So I close the box and pick my sorry excuse up and go find something for him.

As I'm walking back to the sleeping quad to put the box away, I hear my name being called. I turn around only to see Jordan once again. "What are you up to?" He asks me, noticing I'm walking a little to fast for even him.

I slow my stride so he can keep up. Finally answering him I say, "I need to find something for Trevor's birthday. He needs something awesome. This is his first birthday without me and I feel bad for leaving him there."

He nods, then pipes up a few seconds later, "I think I know exactly what to do for him." I nod my head and follow him. I drop off the box quick then I we go into town (with permission of course).

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