Chapter 2

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*Niall's POV*

Doing the funeral for mum isn't easy on me, but I'm glad I don't have to go through it alone. Uncle Haz is the best replacement dad I could ever ask for. He is sweet and lovely and caring. Living without my mum for a year I learned that you are nobody till somebody loves you. Nobody really loves me but Uncle Haz. People tend to look at me like I'm some sort of street rat, like whenever they come close to me I'll give them some illness... So thanks to Uncle Haz and him being there for me whenever I need him, I'm someone, I'm me. The only bad thing about Uncle Haz is that I'm not allowed to play fun games, also he doesn't want me to play games on the computer, cause they are too violent and according to him elves and dragons don't exist. Did he ever see Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? No way anyone just made that up! Somewhere in this world a place like Hogwarts or Camp Half blood exists and I belong up there. I just know!

For now I'm doing the things Uncle Haz wants me to do, like helping him out around the house and the cooking, finding an instrument I want to play. Honestly he has already given me a few choices, none of them really excite me though. I told him that I'd like to play the guitar or the drums, cause I want to be a rock star. Worst mistake ever! Being a rock star is not a good enough job, cause the environment they are in is bad bad bad... Drugs, alcohol. Honestly I have no clue what drugs are and I don't want to go to the pub, I just want to make good music and doing knee slides and crowd surfing... That'd be wicked.

Sure, Uncle Haz is just being protective of me but I think he is forgetting the fact that I have seen my mum more drunk than sober. I have given my mum pain killers and water and helped her rubbing her back and holding her hair in a ponytail when she threw up. Well, no, he doesn't know about that. It's just not fun talking about it I guess. Living here for a year, has been the best. My life is about me now and growing up and preparing for the grown up life, not about my mum and cleaning the house that was littered with cigarettes, beer bottles, these long, transparent rubber thingies that smelled awful and had something yukkie in it. Whenever I asked my mum what it was, she said they were some sort of balloons filled with whipped cream. First off, why would you fill a balloon with cream and second, I'm pretty sure it was already bad and shouldn't be used anymore.

Anyways, standing here in the garden next to Uncle Haz, makes me want to scream and go frantic and just throw myself overly dramatic on the ground and pound into it with my fists. Knowing that he would not approve of that behaviour, cause he is a bit boring in my opinion, I try to keep it all in and go for the occasional sniffing and a few tears rolling over my cheek. Doing this feels right though, putting away the box, throwing the flower on it... It's like putting all the bad memories to rest one by one. It's time for me to stop hoping that my mum will return and that we will become a happy family... I have to face reality, that's what Uncle Haz teaches me...

The day goes by rather quickly thanks to helping with cooking dinner and doing my homework afterwards. I kind of like the rule of me doing all my homework on Saturday. Cause normally I go with Uncle Haz to his work and while he is working, I'm working, we go home afterwards, cook food and then I have the entire evening and the next day off to do as I please. Today Uncle Haz took half a day off of work to do this for me and no matter how much I enjoy his company I feel like being on my own, going over the event in my head.

So sitting outside I take in the bit of sun that autumn still has to offer. The beanie goes further over my head and the ends of my scarf are tucked into my coat to give me more warmth. I'm sitting on the ground, watching all the different coloured leaves, thinking about all the things I can do with them when a crunching noise distracts me from my thoughts.

"Hi, you seem lonely sitting here on your own. Can I join you?"

This boy is standing in front of me. He's wearing a jeans jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, the beanie on his head is as dark as his hair, which makes his head twice as big, but he still looks cool.

See Me Now (Mirry: Harry Styles&Michael Clifford)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt