Chapter 14

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*Niall's POV*

I wake up in my comfy bed again. Well not really my bed, but the one I'm sleeping in at Matt and Ashtyn's. Is it bad that I like this bed better than my own? Let's not tell Uncle Harry this. Shhhtt! The alarm clock on the nightstand says it's 7am, so I know that the grown ups will not be awake yet. Whatever... I'm not going to stay in my bed and be quiet just because they want to party hard and then complain about headaches all the time. If that is the effect of having a party I'm never going to one... Nu uh!

I sneak from the stairs and find my way to the kitchen easily without making a sound. If they aren't going to wake up, I'll make breakfast myself. How hard can it be? The only thing I need to do now is find food. The cheerios and spoon I have already found. Yes! That's almost everything. Now some milk and a bowl. After walking around in the kitchen I see the fridge and I'm guessing the milk is in there. If only Uncle Haz could see me fixing breakfast right now, he'd be so proud of me. The milk goes next to the spoon and the Cheerios that are already placed on the countertop. For some reason I can't seem to find a bowl, sigh... If I were a bowl, where would I hide? Looking up I notice different cupboards on the wall. That must be it. Why is everything so high though. Chair... Chair... Chair... I drag the chair closer to the cupboards and stand on it. Obviously, I'm still too short. No one told me that making breakfast is this hard. Standing on my tippy toes I reach out for the cupboard and even manage to open it. Success! Things can't go that easily of course, nooo... While reaching up for a bowl I lose my balance, trying to hold myself up to something I grab the closest thing to me, a pile of plates. Falling backwards, I have an inkling of what is going to happen and instead of putting my hands first so they can cushion the blow, I use them to cover my head. Mare seconds later plates fall down everywhere, on the floor, my head... The hundreds of tiny pieces scraping my skin. When the last piece drops, the kitchen is filled with an eerie silence. Suddenly realisation hits me and pain, fear, guilt all rush into my body. Blood oozes out of some wounds and I don't know what to do. Panic is taking over, doubling every emotion I'm going through and I start crying. Sobs are leaving my mouth and my body starts shaking. The kitchen door flies open and eight people run through. They suddenly stop and take in everything that happened.

The first one's to really respond are Zayn and Blake. They push the other's out of the way and run to me. Blake picks me up, away from the shards while Zayn is looking for the first aid kit. My head is resting on his shoulder and I feel so sleepy again. I sniffle, silent tears still rolling over my cheeks, while yawning loudly. Before I know it I drift off and I'm surrounded by darkness.

"Ni, wake up honey. You need to eat.", a hand caresses my head over and over again. Slowly I pry my eyes open and see Ashtyn sitting next to me. Lifting my head, everything starts hurting. The pain trails through my body and I can't help but groan. Suddenly the event from earlier hits my head again and tears fill my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Ashtyn! I'm so so so sorry! Please, I'll clean everything up and I'll clean the rest of your house and I'll go in time-out for as long as you think seems fit. Maybe I can make you a pretty drawing or I'll do chores at home, so Uncle Haz can pay me and I can buy you plates again.", I ramble, my head hiding in my hands. To my surprise I feel his arms pull me closer into his body.

"Niall, ssshhtt. Stop crying for me okay. It'sfine. Those are just plates, nothing more. I'm just really happy that you are good, besides the few cuts and bruises. You can do one thing for me though."

"Anything Ashtyn, really! Anything! I'm sorry. Really! I have never been so sorry for anything in my life. Even flooding the living room wasn't this bad." Ashtyn lifts one eyebrow and looks at me confused.

"Eeehhh... Euhm... It was nothing?", I say while smiling shyly.

"Anyways, Ni, can you promise to ask help from an adult when something is too high. Even though that means that you have to wake up someone? Even when it's early? You are more important than sleep okay. Right now your uncle is going nuts. He is so worried about you and thinks that you didn't dare to go to him for help cause he was always so strict on you."

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