ikea antics J.J & T.J

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Tyler and Jenna were due to get married in about two months and there was still so much to do. Every day it seemed like the list was getting longer and longer.

Today Jenna had decided that she and Tyler would go to ikea to begin registering for their gifts. Jenna was not looking forward to spending all day in a department store, but it was something that she would have to do. 

She plopped down onto the couch next to Tyler who was currently trying how to figure out how to use snapchat. 

"Ty, we need to go to ikea today." Jenna said.

"Ikea? Why do we need to go there?" Tyler curiously replied. 

"We need to register stuff for our wedding, so that the guests will know what gifts to buy us." Jenna said as she ran her fingers through Tyler's newly cut hair. 

"Okay." Tyler kindly said to Jenna. 

Jenna was relieved that Tyler was in a good mood, because they would probably spend all day at ikea registering for the wedding. The pair got up off of the couch and headed to the car. Tyler decided to drive so that Jenna could start browsing ikea's website for gifts. Jenna had come to the conclusion that they would register for: sheets, bed spreads, dishes, pillows, silverware and a few pieces of decor. 

Tyler found a parking spot as soon they pulled into ikea. They both hopped out of the car and started towards the store. As soon as the couple was about to enter the store Tyler stopped Jenna.

"Wait Jenna let's take a selfie for snapchat." Tyler said with a grin plastered on his face. 

Jenna rolled her eyes and smiled wide for a selfie with Tyler. He captioned the picture "Ikea with my gurllll."

As soon as Jenna and Tyler entered the store, Jenna was instantly overwhelmed by the sheer size of the store. 

Jenna took a deep breath and said, "So where do you wanna start?" 

She reached for Tyler's hand but when she did all she caught was air, Tyler was off already. Jenna spun around saw Tyler gallivanting towards the linens section. 

"Tyler, wait!" Jenna called after him.

Tyler stopped in his tracks and ran back to Jenna. 

"We need to go register so they can give us the scanning guns." Jenna said. 

As soon as she mentioned the scanning guns, she saw Tyler's eyes grow wide with interest. He was truly a little child at heart.

The pair walked hand in hand to the front desk to register. They completed the process in about ten minutes and Tyler was enthralled with the scanning gun. In his head he had made it his mission to scan every single item in the store. 

"Okay, so Tyler here is the list of things that we have to register for." Jenna said, handing Tyler a print out of the list. 

"I need you to go to the linens section and scan all of the linens on this sheet please, love." Jenna said to Tyler. 

She gave him a kiss and sent him on his way. She headed off to the dishes section to scan all of the dishes that the couple wanted. Jenna knew it was a big risk to trust Tyler to scan all of the right objects, but trust is important for a healthy marriage. 

While Jenna was about halfway through scanning all of the dishes, she noticed that different items were coming up on the scanner. Tyler. She picked up her phone and gave him a call. 

"Tyler, why are all of these unnecessary items popping up?" Jenna questioned Tyler.

"Babe! I found so much cool stuff that we need!!" An excited Tyler exclaimed to Jenna.

Jenna thought that this was adorable, but she really needed Tyler to focus on the task at hand. 

"Tyler, please listen to me. I need you to only scan the items that we agreed on. Then when you're all done, we'll go get something to eat from the food court." Jenna coaxed. 

"Score! Yes baby, I'll do that." Tyler said on the other line.

Jenna smiled to herself and ended the call with Tyler. She finished up in the dishes section and headed over the rugs. Tyler and Jenna decided that they would ask for a new rug for their foyer. While on her way she noticed a particular pink haired man pushed a cart with a red headed girl sitting on it. It was Josh and Debby! They broke up nearly two years ago, but still remained close friends. 

"Josh?" Jenna called out.

This caused the pink haired man, to turn around and be surprised by his friend.

"Oh hey Jenna!" Josh exclaimed.

Debby was also happily surprised to see Jenna, the two girls hadn't really seen much of each other after Josh and Debby broke up.

"So do you mind that I ask what the two of you are doing out together?" Jenna asked.

Josh nervously scratched the nape of his neck before saying, "We're back together so we are shopping for some more stuff for Debby's place."

Jenna smiled and jumped up and down with happiness. 

"I'm so happy that you two are back together!! I knew that it was meant to be! I can't wait to tell Tyler! Wait does he already know?" Jenna said excitedly.

Josh attempted to calm her down and said, "No, I didn't want to tell anyone until we worked out all of our problems. But now everything is all good and we couldn't be happier."

Josh, Jenna and Debby quickly finished up their conversation so that they could go find Tyler and tell him everything. 

They found Tyler looking at the couches, even though couches weren't even on the list. Jenna called out to him and he ran up to her, happy that he had finished scanning his list before she finished hers. 

"I see Josh! Hey man what are you doing here?!" Tyler said. 

He noticed Debby but didn't think anything of it. 

Josh kicked the floor out of nervousness and said, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier but, Debby and I have decided to get back together."

Tyler smiled and jumped up and down just as his fiance had reacted when she heard the news. 

"I'm so happy for you! I ship it so much!!!" Tyler exclaimed.

After the four finished reacting to Josh's happy news they all went to the food court for some delicious Swedish food. 

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