happy turkey day- J.J and T.J.

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It had been only a week since Tyler and Jenna had returned home from Europe. They were in Europe for the last leg of the Twenty One Pilots Emotional Roadshow tour with Tyler's band crew and his band mate Josh. As much fun as they had, their travels had exhausted the pair out. The time changes had made Jenna go crazy and the gloomy weather had put Tyler down in the dumps. But now that they were back in Ohio, they were both feeling a lot better. 

Now that it was Thanksgiving day, they were both very much excited to go over to Jenna's family's house and eat some food and see some of their favorite people again. Being in Europe for so long had also taken a toll on Tyler and Jenna's relationship. With Tyler being away every night at a show, Jenna grew lonely. And when Tyler was not doing shows, he would spend his time sleeping and recovering from his busy and demanding job. But as the tour winded down, Tyler and Jenna found their ways back to each other and made things better again. 

Jenna found herself awake at 8:30 on Thanksgiving morning. That gave her about thirty minutes before the big Macy's parade started. She slipped out of Tyler's arms and headed downstairs to make them some coffee and some cereal since they were currently out of food. 

A few minutes later, Jenna was back in her room with two mugs of coffee and two bowls of lucky charms for her and Tyler. Seeing that Tyler was still asleep she set the food and drinks down and went over to his side of the bed. She sat down on the bed and ran her hand through his freshly shaven head.

"Good morning, Ty. Happy Thanksgiving." She said softly.

He stirred after hearing his wife speak. He opened his eyes and saw her beautiful face for the first time that day. 

"Good morning, J." He said as he yawned. 

Jenna handed Tyler his cup of coffee and bowl of cereal and the two ate together as they watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. It was nice for the two of them to just be still for a bit and enjoy each others company. Tyler was still very tired from being in Europe and the effects were visible on his face. He had dark purple bags under his eyes and his face had become pale due to the lack of sunshine in Europe. Jenna looked over at her tired husband and smiled at him, she was just happy that they were home together for this holiday. 

After the parade was over, Tyler decided to go back to sleep for a few hours until it was time to go over to Jenna's family's house. Jenna let him rest and she got ready and then headed downstairs to make a pumpkin pie to share with everyone. 

As soon as Jenna pulled the pie out of the oven she heard Tyler come running down the stairs. He managed to get up out of bed, showered and dressed. The smell of the pie must of lured Tyler downstairs.

"Can I have some of the pie please, babe?" Tyler pleaded to his wife.

"No, we need to wait until we go over to my mom's house and then you can have as much as you want." Jenna said with a smile.

Tyler sighed and walked off to the living room. Jenna laughed to herself at her husbands reaction. She packed up the pie and gathered up the silverware to take to her mom's house. Then she went into the living room to get Tyler.

"Come on babe, its time to go to my mom's. You can have some of the pie after we eat." She said to Tyler who was on the couch playing on his phone.

Tyler jumped up and helped Jenna carry the pie to the car. After everything was in the car, the pair was off to the Black's house. After the hour long car ride, they finally pulled into the driveway which was all ready full of cars that belonged to Jenna's relatives. Tyler got out of the car and helped Jenna out too. The two slowly approached the front door and before they even got on the porch, the door burst open with all of their nieces and nephews waiting to attack them with hugs. Jenna made Tyler hold the pie so she could go and greet all of them.

"Hey guys! Aunt Jenna and Uncle Tyler missed you all while we were gone!" Jenna exclaimed. 

She got down on her knees and let all of the kids hug her at once. Tyler stood back and admired how maternal she was. He really wanted to see Jenna become a mother one day, but as of right now, they were both way too busy with his career. 

After all of the other kids finished hugging on Jenna, little Mercy stayed behind. Mercy missed Jenna so much, she didn't want her aunt to leave her sight.

"Hi Mercy." Jenna said with a giant smile on her face. 

Tyler knew of the special bond between his wife and her youngest niece. He admired their bond and desired to one day have a bond like that with his own child. Jenna then stood up and put Mercy on her hip to allow Tyler to come inside with the pie. 

When Tyler and Jenna walked through the house, everyone lit up at the sight of the couple. They had been missed while on their European journey. Jenna was happy to see her family again and Tyler was happy that Jenna was happy. He set the pie down on the counter top and went to say hi to everyone. All of Jenna's family was elated that Tyler was back too. He fit in well with her family. 

After dinner and after everyone had dug into the desserts, everyone had settled in the living room. Tyler and Jenna were sitting on the floor and were wrapped up in each others arms. They were both just truly enjoying the moment of being together and being with people that they care about. In Jenna's lap say little Mercy. She was serious about not letting her aunt out of her sight.

Jenna felt her arm start to fall asleep so she readjusted herself so that her arm was holding herself up. As soon as Mercy noticed Jenna put her hand on the floor the little girl's eyes lit up at the sight of Jenna's shiny wedding ring. 

"Ring. I want it!" Mercy whined.

Jenna laughed when she saw this happen. Mercy had always been interested in Jenna's ring, she had even made a vine about it. 

As the night went on, Jenna made sure that she spent lots of time with her nieces and nephews so that they would all feel loved. Tyler spent some time with them too but he wasn't as close with them because Jenna had been in their lives longer.

At around 10:00 Jenna noticed that Tyler was growing tired. His eyes were growing heavy and he was rubbing them every few minutes to stay awake.

"Thank you so much for having us. We are so glad to be home and we will get together again soon, once Tyler and I recover from our travels." Jenna said to her family. 

She got up to give everyone hugs and Tyler followed suit. It was getting late and they were both growing more and more tired as time went on. After saying goodbye to everyone the tired couple picked up their things and left Jenna's family. 

Jenna decided to drive home, so that she could let Tyler sleep peacefully. When she pulled into the drive way of her own home, she put the car in park and turned to her sleeping husband. She took her phone out and snapped a quick picture of him because he looked so cute when he was asleep. She posted the picture to instagram with the caption of, "ERS has blessed us in so many ways, one of them being that Ty gets lots of good sleep. We are so thankful."

She then shook Tyler awake from his restful state. He stretched his arms above him and then followed his wife inside. When they got inside they put their things down in the kitchen and then went straight upstairs to their room. Tyler didn't even bother to change into his pajamas before flopping into bed, he just took his pants off and went right to sleep. Jenna on the other hand took her time to get ready for bed, the last thing that she wanted was to have smudged makeup on her face when she woke up tomorrow.

She crawled into bed and scooted up right next to Tyler. When she was comfortable in the sheets she said, "Ty, I am so thankful for you and all of these amazing opportunities we've had together. I love you."

Tyler turned towards her and said, "Jenna, you have no idea how much you mean to me. I am beyond thankful for you. I love you too."

And with that, Tyler and Jenna went to sleep with their hearts full.



No, I didn't disappear off the face of the earth, life has just been awful and stressful lately. I wrote this for all of my American readers to enjoy, but you can enjoy it if you are from another country too!!!

- Rachel

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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