Reaction to Exo

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Me  HetaliaFangirl3003 and CCrepsandturtles  - YASSSSSSSSSSSSS
Korbyan - is this k pop
Me- why yes it is fam
That_Gurl_Jazzy - da fuck
1D_and_Magcon_4_life - just let them be
KayKay1225 - I'm so confused why do they all look the same
Creepsandturtles HetaliaFangirl3003 me - gasp bitch what did you say!!!!
KayKay1225 - * goes to her derpy emo corner of shame *
Creepsandturtles - * singing even if she doesn't understand what they're saying *
HetaliaFangirl3003 and me- JUST LOVE ME RIGHT
Everyone who isn't singing- WTF ARE YOU SMOL BEANS  SAYING 🤔
Me-* eye twitch while turning head * wHaT WAs tHaT??
Everyone- *pales up*
Me- that's what I thought bitches hehe

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