I've been tagged

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I've been tagged by @EmoTigerLovesYou and @--Norway--

The magical questions are-
Do I have a crush?- haha of course not I'm forever alone
What's my middle name- It's Joy😊
What's your height- 4'9 I'm very short
Shoe size- I a 4.5 or in other words 4 and 1/2
Eye color- brown eyes
What's the last time I cried- well I don't like to cry it makes me feel weak,unless it's school related I don't really cry that much
What my biggest fear- my biggest fear is the people closet to me being disappointed in me
Last song I listened to- Jungkook's cover Paper Hearts his voice is very soothing to listen to🎧
Last person I texted- Actually for this one it was a group chat between my and my friends from school 📱
Favorite app- I don't have a favorite,because I feel like if I did other people might judge me

Now I'm going to tag

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