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Dan wasn't sure if he was prepared for Phil's graduation. He just rubbed both of his hands together, nervously. His eyes scanned the people coming in. Most likely parents and siblings to see their brother/sister and son/daughter.

Dan was quickly squished in with the crowd. He felt his anxiety build up but he ignored it. "Hey Dan" Louise's said, who was sat next to him. "O-oh! I didn't see you" Dan turned to face Louise. He could see the worry in Louise's face.

"Dan relax" Louise said gently. "Take a deep breath in" she watched Dan do as told. "Out" Louise smiled as Dan breathed out. "Everything will be fine" she rubbed Dan's arm.

"Oh! I think I see Phil" Louise looked over. "He looks so funny in those clothes" she quickly snickered. Dan looked over and scanned around. "Where?" He mumbled, looking into the crowd of graduating people.

"There there" Louise pointed. She began laughing again. "Oh my god he does look ridiculous" Dan snickered. He and Louise began a laughing mess. And people where starting to stare at them as if they where here to make fun of people.

Dan took some breaths "okay okay I'm fine". He removed his face from Louise's shoulder. Louise wiped a tear and smiled. "Okay let's try and not get kicked out" she laughed quietly. "Okay okay you stop laughing tough" Dan nudged Louise's shoulder.

Louise's nudged him back and they both starting pushing each other. And began laughing again. Eventually that was far enough as they both got kicked out of the room.

"Louise this was on you" Dan pouted, crossing his arms. He and Louise where sat on a bench outside. "You started it" Louise nudged Dan's arm. "No you did" Dan nudged Louise back. Louise completely stopped and froze.

"Louise?" Dan stopped nudging her and stared. He gently poked her arm. "Boo!" Louise yelled, making Dan scream really loud. She bursted out laughing and held her stomach.

Dan huffed and crossed his arms. His cheeks where red with embarrassment. Louise inhaled and stopped laughing. She smiled and pat her dress "okay I am done". "Better be" Dan pouted gently. He gently sighed and stretched "you will be leaving too next year huh".

Louise sadly smiled at Dan "yes I am". Her face lit up quickly "but don't worry! I will run to your house and bug you everyday ". Dan smiled and gently mumbled under his breath "if I'm still living..". He looked at Louise "but you don't know where I live".

Louise tapped her chin "unless you give me your address". She looked at Dan and waited for a response. "Oh uh yeah umm" Dan searched his pockets. "I don't have paper or a pencil..". He pulled out his phone "but I can give you my number and text you it".

Louise nodded her head and exchanged numbers with Dan. She forgot how much time passed until people started heading out. "Let's go look for Phil!" Louise got up and pulled Dan's arm. She pulled him into the crowd of people.

Dan didn't even have time to respond at all. He just searched the crowd for a tall, blue eyed boy. Louise came to a stop, making Dan almost trip. Tough he only ended up bumping his face into Louise's back.

Dan stood up right and rubbed his head. He almost fell again as Louise pushed him towards and said "steal his heart sweetheart". Dan bumped into Phil and apologized. He froze as his eyes met Phil's blue ones.

"Hi Dan!" Phil smiled down at Dan. "I saw you got kicked out" he gently laughed. Dan blushed "oh that yeah that happened...". "You look great" Phil motioned his hand at Dan's tuxedo. "Thanks you do too" Dan gently smiled.

"Where's Louise?" Phil looked around. "I want to say hello and probably goodbye for now" he bit his lip. "O-oh uh she ran off to some of her friends" Dan tried to make up an excuse. "Well I'll just have to break into her house later then for not saying hi to her childhood friend".

Dan gently laughed before he stopped as Phil's words caught to him. "I can take you two both out tomorrow?" Phil smiled and stared at Dan. He searched Dan's chocolate eyes. "Yeah of course sure just check in with Louise". He looked away from Phil's eyes for a mere second.

"Great! Sounds like a plan then" Phil smiled and held out his hand. "Y-yeah" Dan nervously shook Phil's hand. He was about to speak when Phil's parents arrived. And Phil had to go off to have a chat with them.

Meanwhile Dan was stood there confused on where to go. And more importantly where the hell Louise was. You never know where that woman can run off to.

Am I even prepared for the last chapter?
Just like the tatinof films I was not emotionally prepared for that.
I crafted about five billion times.
The films where gr8

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