The Fall

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P.O.V Lila
Everything is black for my eyes. I feel like im falling but iT never ends. I feel weird. Some Voice is telling me stuff. About a world named Undertale. And AU's? About timelines and more. When the Voice stops i want to ask where i come from but before i even know i can see again! I look around and see that im falling! I screem in fear. Suddenly i feel arms around me and im not falling anymore..

I look around and i see a skeleton. I thought i saw a flash of Blue in his eyes but i ignore it. I remember what the Voice told me this must be Sans. He puts me down and looks angry at me. 'I Should have let you fall.' He growls.
Wait.. 'What?' I ask. 'You are her right! Chara! Go away and leave us alone for ones! I thought you promised to never come back!' He almost screams.
'No! Im not Chara! And im not Frisk either. Im not a human from above i ehhh am..... I Dont know who i am.' I say akwardly. 'How can you not know who you are?' He asks looking dumb at me. 'I Just fell and i Dont know. But i think you had to deal with the genocide run before this reset..' I guess. He nods slowly. He suddenly grabs my hand and before i know we are standing in a room. 'Short...' He starts 'cut.' I finish. 'Okay so if you are not Chara or Frisk or the person behind Them How do you know this.' He asks. Suddenly my eye starts burning but im not able to move. I want to scream from the pain but i get a memory. When the burning stops i remember. 'I was the person behind Them! I i lived in another world.... I played this. I i i did all the runs... But i didnt beat you at the genocide.... You Spared me and than killed me. Now i get why you always say get dunked on... But i decided to never come back and before i knew i was here.' I tell him. He stares at me 'your eye glowed a Lila color.' He said as if he didnt hear the whole story. 'Its true what you told me. The human who did all this was named Lila. You are Lila, aren't you?' I nod slowly.

Quik he turns my soul Blue and slamed me against the wall. I get up and Just before he could atack again i put my hand infront of me. A Lila shield apears before me and i blocked his atack. The shield vanished and i look shocked at my hand.... How? I sense something i scream 'stop!' And Lila bones apeared before me. 'Stop fighting! I never wanted to do the genocide run! Chara took me over.. You know How much iT hurts to lose papyrus. Well iT hurts more to see How you  kill him yourself and you cant stop. I Dont want to hurt anyone i only want....' I cant finish my sentence because Papyrus is standing in the door opening. He looks confused. I run towords him covering my back with my Lila shield so Sans cant stop me and i Give Papyrus a hug.

'A human!' I hear him saying with joy in his Voice. 'I know papyrus i know.' I say with a tear in my eye. 'Human why are you crying?' He asks. 'No iTS nothing.' I turn around to Sans and he is smiling. I sigh. 'Papyrus. I eh am your.... Family! I come from really far but we are Family! Nice to see you! I came here to stay a little While.' I make up. 'Oh really! How amazing! I'll go make the couch ready so you have a place to stay.' He said While turning around. 'Welp Family i guess get out of my room.' Sans say shortly While pushing me out.

I sigh While walking out of the house. Family? How can you think of that you dummy. I decide to practice with my powers a little. I sit down at a bench looking at a tree. I look at one Point of the tree and focus. I feel my eye burning a bit. I look fast at my hand and see iT has a Lila glow. Awesome! I focus on a leaf and let iT Float. Its going alright! This time i try iT with a little stone. He is floating a few inches of the ground.

'Practising?' A Voice scares me so i let the stone fall. 'Danmit!' I say frustrated.
I look up and see Sans laughing. I growl softly.
'Welp you do have the power. When i first tried i messed up really bad.' He laughs. 'Was that a compliment?' I ask 'welp Dont expect much more compliments cause without me and papyrus you are still BONEly.' He says smiling. 'Stop it BONEhead.' I say back

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