Error and Ink

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P.O.V Lila
Sans and i are sitting on the bench together now. 'Look this is How i Summon my ghaster blaster.' He explains. His eye starts glowing and his hand to. A huge ghaster blaster Summons behind him. 'Wow thats amazing.' I say impressed. 'So try iT.' I focus on my burning eye what Burns a bit less now. I think of a ghaster blaster of my Own with a Lila eye. 'Wow...' I hear Sans gasp. I look behind me and see three ghaster blasters!!! 'WOW!' Just like that i lost focus and they dissapeard again. 'That was....' I cant finish my sentence. A huge pain gets into my soul and in a second i get thrown back. I feels like strings around my soul! I hear a glitchie Voice say 'FoUNd yOU.' I indeed see Blue strings around my soul and they get really tight. 'Sans!' I scream. He runs towords me and fires his blasters at something above me. The strings let me go and i fall on the ground. I stand up in no time and start Running towords Sans. Just before i reached him the strings yank me back again. I get Pulled of the ground. I look down and see a glichty form of Sans standing there. Error... Sans Summons his blasters again but Error maken the strings smaller the pain is overflowing. I let out a little scream. Sans looks worried. 'HaHa BYe ByE ORiGiNalE.' Error says While i get Pulled into a big White space.

I see Sans disapearing. I panick. 'Let me go!' I scream. 'No I HaVe YOu NoW And IM NOt LettINg YoU Go. ThInK YoU CaN Be OnE Of Us HuH?' He says. 'Why one of you?!.' I ask in panicing. 'YOu KNoW WhaT I MeAn LILA.' I struggle trying to get out of this stupid strings but they only get tighter. 'I Am GOinG To ShATtEr YoUr SouL So YOu WoNt CoMe BaCk As OnE Of Us AnY MoRe.' The strings throw me down and pull me back up again. I feel the pain overflowing. I focus with my burning eye and Summon my Blasters. I Fire Them at error but he only laughs and dodges Them with ease. 'Enough Error!' I hear a Voice say. Before i know i feel cold but calming painf overflowing me. When the paint dissapears the pain does so to. The strings are gone and i feel free again. I see error growl While another Sans with a huge brush atacks him. While Error looks distracted The Sans named Ink paints a huge splat with pink paint under me. I fall in iT and before i know im in Sans arms again. 'You are back!' He smiles While he hugs me. 'I was afraid error killed you! Danm you are covered with pink paint! I guess Ink saved you he loves to teleport people with pink.' Sans says. I stare at him hoe does he know this. 'Come time for questions later now its time to return home.'

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