Loving Kim Taehyung (vhope)

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There he stood, Kim Taehyung, on the grounds of one of the best, not to mention most religious, private schools in the country. He was puffing on his third cigarette of the morning. There was no telling when, or even how he picked up the habit, but it only seemed fitting. Skinny jeans hugged his lithe frame, and a leather jacket caressed his torso, lovingly tattered from overuse. Guitar case in his left hand, cigarette in his right, Taehyung felt at ease.

At least that's what he told himself.

Sure, he'd gotten himself expelled from his last two high schools, but this was different. There wasn't a need for care here; no one to impress, or let down. All that and he might even be able to forget about his ex. Taehyung fiddled with the Buddhist prayer beads around his throat. He wondered how that would roll here, it being a catholic school and all.

It was then, as he was lost in thought, that an arm had come to rest around his shoulder. Taehyung looked down to see someone, about his age, smiling at him. He had a chubby face and a muscular build. An interesting contrast. He made an assumption that the attractive stranger's personality would be the same.

"I wouldn't let anyone catch you smoking if I were you." The other said, ruffling Taehyung's hair. "Park Jimin.You must be the new guy." Taehyung stared at Jimin for a moment before wriggling out from under his arm.

"Kim Taehyung." He states, and Jimin's eyes widen.

"You're Kim Taehyung? As in the son of-"

"Yes, and I wouldn't really care to talk about it." He rasped around the cigarette hanging from his curled lip. Jimin was about to reply when he caught sight of something just beyond Taehyung's head. Taehyung turned as someone was approached them.

This new face looked slightly younger than both taehyung and Jimin, and had an arrogant air about him. Though he, like Jimin, was also fairly handsome.

"Who's the fresh meat?" The guy asked Jimin, who hurried to hush him.

"This is Kim Taehyung, the son of-" He was cut off once again.

"I don't care which rich bastard's sperm he came from." Taehyung rolled his eyes and lit up another cigarette as the two bickered. "Anyways, the name's Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung nodded in acknowledgement. "What did you do to end up here?"

Sun fell into Taehyung's eyes as he lost himself in thought again. What hadn't he done? Honestly he wasn't that bad of a guy, but he did have a hard time respecting authority, as well as a few dirty habits. One of them of course being his massive case of 'the gay,' as his father called it.

Realizing that he'd yet to answer the younger's question, Taehyung just shrugged and lamely replied, "Oh you know, I'm a massive partier." He chuckled to himself. "Much delinquent, much drugs." The other two just looked at him for awhile before shrugging as well. Taehyung noticed yet another person coming closer to his agglomeration of admirers.

The man, yes he looked to be a bit older, walked towards the three with a neutral look upon his face. He wore a pair of neatly pressed dress pants, and a white button down with a red tie. Definitely too old to be a student, yet he had the looks of someone very young. Probably fresh out of college.

"Excuse me, but you're Kim Taehyung right?" The man asked in a voice that made the other's knees weak. It was firm, yet melodic; easy to listen to.

"Uh, yes that would be me."

"I'm your literature teacher, Mr. Jung. I'm also the one in charge of your dormitory. Not that I really have any control over what happens in there." He laughed, and Taehyung decided then and there he liked this man. Putting out his cigarette with a swift stomp of his boot, the younger held out a hand for Hoseok to shake.

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