Part 9

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Bram's POV:

I don't know how many hours have passed by now, but I was getting worried that something happened to Roan. I paced my room, biting the end of my fingertips and I try to get calm.

"Maybe the guy killed him?" The Curiosity asks inside of my head.

I grit my teeth at the thought, I grab a hold of some pieces of my hair and say, "Shut up..." My breathing was heavy, I go over to the bathroom and quickly turn on the cold faucet. I splash my face with the water, my bangs getting a bit wet as well and I stare at the mirror for a bit.

"Well it was just a thought." Curiosity mutters, and then goes silent.

I run my fingers through my hair, but stop midway to find that my ring was gone. My heart stops, causing me to panic and I began to think the worse. I rush out of the bathroom and began to tear up the room with haste.

"It's just a stupid ring," a new voice says in my head.

"It's not any fucking ring... Dammit! Where is it? How could I lose it when it's been on my finger the whole time?" I say, kicking the wall in frustration and winced suddenly at how that was a bad idea. I rub my face, exhausted and stare at the mess I've made. Where could it gone off t-... My thoughts get cut off by a sudden knocking on the door.

"Who the fuck is it!?" I yell, not inching near the door because I was hoping it wasn't the damn host.

"It's the lovely host, I've came to tell you that breakfast is almost done."

It was the damn host...

I groan inwardly, hitting my head against the wall and I say lowly, "What the hell do you want?" I walk over to the door, opening it to see him.

He was wearing some sweats, a white shirt and a cocky smile played on his lips. He stands there, tilting his head to the side and says, "I just came by to tell you breakfast was ready... You must be hungry by now?"

I scowl at his response, I slam my door shut and say loudly enough for him to hear, "I'm fine, thank you very much!" I go over to my bed, plopping down on it and stare at the ceiling; exhaling softly, I close my eyes.

"Maybe he took your ring?" The voice says inside my head.

I roll my eyes at the absurdity and then I open my eyes. I sat up, debating if I should leave and I say, "Just go away... Whatever your damn name is." I walk over to the bathroom and turn on the faucet. Hoping the guy would leave, keeping the water going I slowly walk over to the door and press my ear against the door.

Another knock came from my door and then a voice says, "I know you're pretending... Now, come down for breakfast and have a nice chat with an attractive, yet insane guy..."

I kick the door as a response, I turn off the faucet in the bedroom and say, "Why would I want to socialize?"

The knob rattles due to the man's attempt to open it and says, "Bram, you stubborn piece of shit! Open the damn door before I bust it."

I shudder slightly at the thought of the host breaking into the room I was staying in and I obeyed. I open the door, crossing my arms over my chest and stare at the man with hatred. "Where's my ring?" I say in a low voice, my fingers digging into my arm to keep myself from doing anything stupid.

The man frowned slightly at my question, tilting his head in confusion and says, "What are you talking about?"

I give him a glare, getting angry at his lie and say, "I wore a ring that Roan gave me one day as I promise that I would make it out and then we would marry..."

"I don't know what you are talking about.... Now come on, you're going to mingle with all the other crazies and then the two of us are going to have breakfast." The man says, before walking off down the corridor.

I scowl at his words, having the urge to strangle this guy and I decide to follow. Curious on what he wanted from me, I shove my hands into my pockets and say nothing to him as we both went downstairs.

*In the dining room*

I silently sat in my chair, chewing on the eggs that was given to me by the host's chef and I say to the host, "What's your name?" I move my bangs out of my face and stare at the man.

The man smirked at my question, his legs were propped on the mahogany table and his arms resting on the arms of the chair. "My name is Acedia, but Ace for short... I have other names, but this one is me today..." He responds and then points at my breakfast. "How are the eggs?" He asks me.

I raise an eyebrow at the name, mouthing it to myself because it was foreign and I soon say, "What do you mean other names?" I didn't answer the question to how the eggs tasted, I just wanted answers for once.

"What happens if he is a serial killer?" Curiosity asks me in a quiet voice.

Rolling my eyes at the thought of the man being a serial killer, I finish my eggs and wait for Ace to answer my question.

Ace smiled at me, he tilts his head to the side and says, "That's nothing you should know right now... Now, for being one of the crazies... You aren't all that bad." He gets up out of his seat, walking over to where I sat and he leans close to my ear. His breath was hot against my neck and he says, "You even smell good..."

My breathing hitches at his words, my body freezing and I set down my fork. I say lowly, "You took my ring... Didn't you?" I look over my shoulder to glance him in the eyes, my lips pursing into a thin line.

Ace's eyes flickered to my lips, then back to look me in the eyes and says, "Maybe I did... It was to send a message to your boyfriend..." He walked away, and then stops near the door. He looks over his shoulder and says, "You should be careful on who you're around... It'll only make your loved ones suffer the cost." He turns the knob on the door and leaves the dining room.

I don't move from my seat, my brain processing what Ace said to me and then I look down at my eggs. I push them away from me, not hungry anymore and just stayed in the dining room.

"I told you he was a cold hearted man," Honesty says.

"Shut up," I hiss out, as I march out of the dining room and head to the front of the house...

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