Chapter One

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            When I got the call that my Father had died I told them that they had the wrong girl, that I didn't have a Father. The lawyer asked if I was Isabelle Walter, I said yes, who else would I be, but again that was the whole point. He told me that, Ronald Queen, my Father, had just died of a massive heart attack. That's all I remember before the phone slipped through my hand and I fainted like a virgin on her wedding night. When I woke I was surround by my friends from the shelter, the women's shelter that I was currently residing at because my abusive ex-boyfriend wouldn't get the hint and take the restraining order seriously. Well, that and the fact that he owned half the town house and I didn't have the guts to go back and tell him to get the hell out. I was done with that part of my life and never wanted to see him again, if I ever saw his face again it would be too soon. People were rushing around me, someone wanted to call for an ambulance but I declined that offer, seeing as he who should not be named was still named as my next of kin, didn't want that mess. I really needed to get that changed but, I had no one to fill that position once he was removed, that was going to be a problem.

Suddenly my ears picked up a male voice sounding from the distance, it was odd because no male was allowed in this shelter, one rule that I loved to death. However, when my friend Ashely handed me back the phone I realized where the male voice was coming from and felt like a complete idiot for not putting it together. I hadn't ended the call with the lawyer, god, he must have thought he gave me a heart attack. I put the phone back to my ear and answered his frantic voice with a detached "yes". Relieved that he hadn't killed me the man continued to state that my Father, who I didn't even know existed up to this point, had left me something in his will and that I was to come down to his office tomorrow at 9 am for the reading of the will. I started to nod my head, then realized that he couldn't see me so I asked for the address and hung the phone up. I didn't care if it was rude of me to do so, I had just been told my Father, who knew of me and never went out of his way to find me, had died and he left something for me. Stunned, I sat on the ground with the women of the shelter still huddling around me for support, which they didn't know why they were giving. I looked up to Ashely and started to cry, the tears that I held in for the last 20 years of my life came rushing out in a horrible sob. No matter how hard I tired to stop myself the tears only kept coming. She knelt down beside me, wrapped her arms around my shaking body and held me until there was no tears left.

"Want to tell me what just happened?" She asked in a hushed whisper, so that the other women couldn't hear.

"My Father just died." It was blunt and to the point, just the way I handled things in my life.

"I thought you said you didn't have a Father." She replied, just as confused as I was.

"I don't." I whispered back and wiped the tears from my face before standing up.

"But you just said that your Father died. What's going on here?" She asked, standing up beside me.

"I was just told that the man who got my Mother pregnant and left her all those years ago died, massive heart attack." I told her, staring her right in the face, hoping she could wrap it around her mind so I didn't have to explain it any further because I really didn't understand it myself.

"So, the sperm donor died?" She asked me and I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, the sperm donor died and know I have to go to his lawyers' office tomorrow at 9 am to hear what he left me in his will. Which means he knew of me and never went out of his way to come and find me. So let me ask you this, why should I go to that bloody reading?"

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