Chapter Five

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By the time we got to there house the party was in full swing and I had no desire to get out of the car and socialize, especially with Holt's family; if I didn't trust him what were the chances that I was going to trust his family. Ashely decided to wear a pair of dark jeans with a light blue sweater that went great with her light blonde hair, which she had left down in soft curls. She had actually put makeup on, which I hadn't seen her do before, she had put an effort in how she looked, which meant she really cared about what Axon thought of her. I wished that she didn't feel the need to impress him with making herself look fake because that wasn't her and I didn't want her to go through heartbreak all over again. I looked down to what I was wearing as people from the party passed by us and felt very underdressed, I had decided to wear black fleece leggings with an oversized dark blue knitted sweater, it was comfy but was not fitting in with what everyone else was wearing.

As we made our way into the house I noticed that it was a lot larger than ours but had the same style on the outside. It was a beautiful house and it felt warm and cozy but I knew that those feelings were not reliable from past experiences and was not going to trust them this time. We were met by Nathaniel at the front door and he gave me a knowing look, I hadn't taken my medication yet but I wasn't going to tell him that, instead I just smiled and moved past him. Laughter filled the house but underneath all those voices you could hear quiet music playing in the background. I took in everything around me and noticed that they had there living room set up in an open concept with tables of food set up for the guests, on the other side of the house there were people moving about in the kitchen, it was loud and I didn't want to risk going into there.

"So, I see that you made it." Nathaniel smiled, knowing that he got Holt to drive us.

"Yes, it was very nice of Holt and Axon to personally drive us." I smiled back to him, my expression holding a touch of hate.

"Well, I thought this way you didn't have to worry about driving."

"It was very nice of you Nathaniel, now where is that wife of yours? I promised that I would introduce Isabelle." Ashely stepped in, looping her arm in mine.

"She's in the kitchen with my Mom," He told us, pointing over his shoulder, "she's been waiting for you two."

"That's great, come on Issy." She insisted, dragging me with her into the kitchen.

The kitchen was in an organized mess, if you could call it that, it seemed that everything was in its place but was still completely in chaos. I had no idea how she did it but I knew that it most likely took years of practice, which I had no desire to learn any time soon. Suddenly everyone stopped moving and turned to look at us, a young women squealed and ran towards us, stopping right in front of us and grabbing hold of both of our arms. Her smile was infectious and I couldn't help but smile back, even though I really didn't mean too. She pulled us into the kitchen and before I knew it we were deep in conversation with multiple women, all asking different questions at the same time, as if expecting us to answer them all at once. My chest started to tighten as the feeling of being crowded and overwhelmed sneaked up on me, I needed to get out of here before I had a panic attack. I started pulling away but found the grip on my arm tight and unyielding, she wasn't going to let me go, god couldn't she take a hint. Ashely turned and saw my distress and decided to step in, which I was thankful for.

"You need to let go of her arm." Her tone was flat and serious, she meant business.

"What? Oh, oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." She scrambled out, letting go of my arm.

I nodded my head, but made my way out of the kitchen, I could hear her apologize from the kitchen as I made my way farther from her and found myself outside and away from everyone else. It was silent for a long time before I heard someone walk up behind me and when my body started warm I knew it was Holt, I quickly went from the feeling of panic to pure anger. How dare he step into my life like this, I didn't want him here and was going to make sure that he understood. I turned to face him, ready to rip him a new one, but I couldn't get a single word out before he cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine in a hot long kiss. To shocked to move I didn't push him away, his lips were heated against mine and it started to warm my mind so that I fell into him. Without my knowledge I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved his hands down to my waist, pulling me against him. His body was hard against my own and I could feel all his muscles, oh god, he could have been made from stone. Suddenly I felt my back press against the bark of a tree and didn't even think about how we had made it to the forest because I was too engrossed with the man before me.

"I can't wait to have you, you're mine." Holt whispered against my lips, snapping me out of the trance he had me in.

"No, no! I – get off me!" I screamed against his lips, moving my arms from his neck down to his chest, trying to push him off me.

"Don't fight this, I know that you feel it too. We're meant to be." He insisted and I could feel myself flashing back to my life with Donny. "I won't allow this to happen again, you won't be controlled, get off me!"

"What are you talking about? Again! Who!" He yelled in my face, gripping my chin in his hands and forcing me to look up at him.

"Let me go!" I screamed, hoping to get the attention of the people in the house, but as I took in my surroundings I noticed that we had somehow made it deep into the forest.

"Stop screaming, I'm not going to hurt you." Holt insisted, his voice calmer from before.

"Let me go, I want to go back." I whispered, looking down to my feet.

"Not until you tell me –." He was cut off when we heard someone yelling our names.

"Isabelle! Holt!" It was Nathaniel, which wasn't good for me.

"We're over here!" I screamed back, hoping to get his attention and get away from Holt before he got to comfortable with this situation.

"There you guys are, what on earth are you doing this deep in the forest? Everyone's waiting on you to have dinner, come on." He told us, not commenting on the position his brother had me in, or just not bringing it up.

"We're coming, tell them to start without us." Holt's voice was like venom and I started to shrink away from him but didn't have any room too.

"You know Mom; she's not going to let anyone eat until we're all there. So you might as well come now and save yourself from the everyone being pissed at you."

"Fine," He pushed off the tree, "this isn't over." Holt whispered, grabbing onto my arm before I could get away.

"It is over." I said, pulling my arm out of his grip and storming off back to the house.

I avoided Holt for the rest of the night, which was a hard thing to do because he was always around wherever I went. He was really starting to get on my nerves, what allowed him to think that he was going to come into my life and just take it over, like I wasn't going to fight him off? Who did he think I was? I wasn't a timid girl that was going to allow him to do that, I wasn't going to allow anyone to do that to me ever again. Nathaniel had been watching me since he found Holt and I in the forest, he knew what had happened between his brother and I and I was glad he didn't bring it up. I was sitting beside Ashely in the kitchen when she motioned that she was going over to Axon and I wanted to stop her and keep her with me, but I knew that I couldn't stop her, so I didn't. It wasn't long before I felt his presence behind me and I knew that I was going to have to confront him and deal with what happened between us. Turning in my chair I faced Holt, not the least surprised when grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me out of my seat.

"Let me go." I kept my voice to a whisper, not wanting to attract attention.

"You're coming with me and you're going to listen." He demanded, not caring if everyone could hear him.

"Why should I listen to you? You're being an ass and I don't even like you." I hissed, raising my voice so that people around us started to turn their heads.

"We both know that's a lie, don't try to deny it, you'll only embarrass yourself."

"That's not true, you don't know me so why don't you let go of my arm and leave me alone. I never want to see your face again." I hissed and tugged my arm out of his grip.

"What's going on here?" Nathaniel stepped in between Holt and I.

"Nothing, Holt was just leaving." I snapped and started walking away but was stopped, once again by Holt as he grabbed my forearm.

"I said we need to talk, and we're going to talk. Now." Nathaniel was just watching as his brother man handled me, I was getting fed up with this whole family.

"No, I don't have to talk to you at all, you're not my boss and if you ever touch me again I'll make sure that you wont even be able to think about having kids, let alone making them." I threatened and stormed off.

I wasn't going to put up with this bullshit any longer, as I made my way across the house I noticed Ashely talking to Axon and Betty in the living room and didn't want them to see me so I hurried off before they could notice.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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