Creation to Destruction

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Ink had always had an attraction to Error, he found him quite the specimen whenever he first laid eyes on him. Error, however, doesn't feel the same towards Ink. Ink took advantage of Error though, eventually creating their son, Paperjam. Error disliked Paperjam, greatly. He didn't like him in general, and the thought of how he has the DNA of both Ink and Error, Error never agreeing to use his DNA, made him feel simply disgusted. Error did wonder quite a bit how Ink managed to get his DNA.

Error's heart belonged to another man, that man being Fresh. Error liked Fresh's antics and how he liked to destroy souls, similar to Error. Ink knew about Error's attraction to Fresh and he always nagged at the two to get Error away from Fresh. Error always got mad, and Fresh did too. Fresh did too like Error back, well he usually does like everyone anyways, but not Ink, since what Ink does to him is "Un-rad".

Oh, but something did happen eventually, as will be said in this fic. You see, Error had enough of Ink and decided to take things into his whole hands. So, let's start this shall we?


"Ink, I think we need to talk." Said Error, trying to contain his anger. "Oh? What is it, Error?" Ink quickly replied. "You know how I like Fresh, right?" "O-oh, I do, what about it..?" "Well if you really do like me, then I think that you were to let me be with him. I simply am unhappy with you, Ink." "...Well Error, you cannot be with that, er-Monstrosity, he just isn't your type." Error got mad with Ink's disrespect towards him and Fresh. "Ink, what did you just call him?" "Oh, just a monstrosity." "He IS NOT a MONSTROSITY. He definitely is more beautiful than you, even more than Paperjam." "Error! Don't you talk like that to your own son!" "Why the hell is he my son anyways? Huh, Ink? Is it because you fucking took some of my DNA behind my back and just went and created him without my consent?" Paperjam came down to them since he heard his name being spoken, he decided to keep his distance but watch since they seemed to be going at it again to him.

"I-I needed another being to create, and I was wondering what a cute child we would make.." "WONDERING? CUTE CHILD? Well, Ink, look at your creation, do you think that really is cute?" "That is our son Error, of course he is, and you are not to abandon him with that 90's piece of shit." Error was done, he had the last straw. "Ok, Ink, if you are to say something again about him then you are going to definitely pay." Ink had a small smirk on his face, "What? About how dumb he looks? He looks like a bad rip-off of me." Error leaped towards Ink, "THAT'S IT YOU FUCKER." Ink was tackled to the ground.

"Ah, so you are finally resorting to violence. You do know that violence isn't always the answer." "I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING." Ink started to think about the choices he had made. Was keeping Error from living his life what he really should do? "Say, E-Error, what are you going to do..?" "THIS-" Error punched Ink. "Damn" Ink thought, "He really does have strength." "Hey Error, that really smarts, so couldja maybe stop? Error felt alive, he hadn't destroyed any AUs in a while. Since Ink created most of them, he didn't allow Error to destroy any. "Nope, this feels pretty darn good." Error continued beating Ink up. Ink started to see cracks and blood. "H-Hey! I didn't mean t-to do anything!" Paperjam, being out of sight to them, was absolutely horrified at the display. They usually got into verbal arguments, but this was new. "I know exactly what your intention was, errors aren't that dumb you know." Error still continued. Ink was held down by Error so that he couldn't do anything to fight back. "Why aren't you DEAD??" Error said, furious.

"H-heh heh, I'm not dying because of my love for you.." Error hesitated at this statement, and looked down to see Ink smiling up at him, with cracks in his skull and some blood too. Error though, was oddly flattered. But he decided to try to finish him off. Ink eventually fell unconscious, but didn't die. Error let out a long sigh, like he had a large weight lifted off him.

Creation to Destruction (Fresh X Error One Off)Where stories live. Discover now