Chapter 1

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(It is Friday night in Los Angeles. Tonight is the night of Publishing tycoon $Bill Spencer's party. A party were he will officially introduce his  long lost son Liam Cooper to the world.)

Steffy Forrester checks  herself out in her floor length mirror  after applying the final touches to her makeup.

Steffy's Cell phone rings.  It's her brother Thomas.

Steffy: Hey Thomas. What's up.

Thomas: Not much Steff. What's my little sister doing tonight? 

Steffy: I'm about to head out in a little bit. I'm going to the Spencer Publications Party tonight.

Thomas: Ugh!! Your going to that. I got the invitation but I declined. Why would you want to go to that party?

Steffy: (Giggling) Yea I'm going to the party. I have nothing else going on tonight and Bill Spencer does throw amazing parties. Also tonight Bill is introducing the world to his long lost son. Your not the least bit interested in finding out who this guy is?

Thomas: Not really Steff. Bedside's now that Bill is introducing him to the world it wont be long before this guy is every where on the social scene. I'm sure I will meet this guy eventually. Why do you want to go?

Steffy: Come on Thomas when have you ever known me to turn down a invite to a good party.

Thomas: (Laughing) Never!! Have fun tonight. Be safe and Steffy....

Steffy: Yes Big Brother.

Thomas: Behave!

Steffy: Hey I make no promises. Night Thomas.

Thomas: Night Steff.

Steffy ends her phone call with Thomas. Steffy looks in the mirror again one last time. Grabs her favorite perfume, spritzes herself a few times then grabs her invitation, cell phone and purse and heads to the party.

(Beverly Hills Hotel) Location of the Spencer Publication Party. The party is in full swing and $Bill Spencer is making the rounds greeting his guest with his wife Katie Logan Spencer and his new son Liam Cooper Spencer.

$Bill: So what do you think of the party Liam?

Liam: It's amazing Dad. You know you did not have to go to all this trouble for me.

$Bill: Nonsense Liam. Your my son. A few weeks ago I did not even know that I had a son. I want to let the whole world know.

Liam: But Dad this party is...... So extravagant. I don't deserve all of this.

Katie:  Liam any chance  your father has to throw a good party..... he will never pass that opportunity up. And what better way to celebrate learning your a father  with a few hundred of your closest friends.

$Bill: It is scary how well you me wife (Bill winks at Katie)

Katie and Liam both laugh at $Bill

$Bill: (Asking Liam coyly)  So Liam did you invite and friends to the party tonight?

Liam: Yea. I invited Hope. She should be here any minute now.

$Bill: (Groaning loudly) Why am I not surprised.

Liam: (Rolling his eyes at his father) Give it a rest day. You know I'm dating Hope.

$Bill: Yea that's the problem.

Katie: (With attitude towards her husband) Hey! What is wrong with my niece?

$Bill: Nothing is wrong with Hope. She is a perfectly nice young lady, with good morals and values, blah, blah, blah.

Katie and Liam both glare at Bill.

$Bill: What?  Look you are a Spencer now Liam. Your young and wealthy and you have a whole new world at your fingertips with amazing opportunities.

Liam: (chuckling) Translation you  mean  new opportunities to sleep with as many women as I can.

$Bill: (laughing) Hey I did not say that, but you know there is nothing wrong with playing the field. Your young son. No reason to tied down in a relationship.

Liam: Dad I really like Hope.

Hope: Did someone say my name?

Hope Logan appeared beside Liam wearing a simple white v-neck shift dress with matching white heels.  She was girl next door beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes, but she was so much more than that. Hope had values and morals. Liam smiled thinking how lucky he was to be dating Hope. Too bad his father did not feel the  same way about him dating Hope. If there were two people that were more opposite in Liam's life it was his father, Bill Spencer and his girlfriend, Hope Logan. 

Liam: (smiling) Hey Hope

Liam kisses Hope on the cheek. 

Hope: Sorry I'm late. Last minute HFTF campaign meeting.

Liam: It's no problem.

Hope: So what have I missed?

Liam: Dad making a speech officially announcing me as his son to the world.

$Bill: I must admit it was one of my better speeches.

Hope rolls her eyes at Bill.

Hope: (saracastically) So other than Bill's fabulous speech, how's the party going?

Liam: Good.

$Bill: Good? Good? Better than good. Iconic is more like it. All of the hot, A-list people of Los Angles and then some are at this party.I want you to make the rounds tonight Liam. There are a lot of important people I want you to meet.

Liam: I will Dad.

Hope: I hope you won't be busy the whole night. I was really hoping to spend so time with you tonight.

$Bill: Hope, Liam doesn't have time tonight to play date night with you. This may be a party but this is also work.

Hope went to object but Katie interrupted.

Katie: Okay you two, back to your corners. I'm sure Liam will have plenty of time to mingle with you Bill and spend quality time with you Hope.

Liam sighed with relief. He didn't know what he would do without Katie. She was amazing when it came to diffusing potential arguments between his father and Hope. If only they could get along Liam thought. Liam had to hold back a laugh. There was a better chance of hell freezing over before Hope and his Dad ever got along. Liam was brought out of his thoughts by a question he heard Hope asking.

Hope: What is she doing here?

$Bill: I invited her. Like I said earlier, only the hottest, A list people were invited tonight. She is that and then some.

Hope: (scoffs at Bill's remark)

Liam: Who are you talking about?

Hope: Steffy. Steffy Forrester.

How do you think Liam and Steffy's first meeting will go?

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