Chapter Six

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(Steffy's Penthouse Loft)

Liam jingled his keys nervously in his pants pocket. It was Saturday, early evening and Liam was in a elevator heading up to Steffy Forrester's Penthouse condo. Liam was trying not to be nervous but he couldn't help it. There was just something about Steffy Forrester that made him nervous. It's not like he had never been around beautiful women before. Beautiful women practically grew on tree's in L.A, so what was his problem? Was it because he was attracted to Steffy?

Liam: (whispering to himself) No. I'm not attracted to Steffy.

As soon as the words left Liam's mouth he knew it was a lie. What man wouldn't be attracted to Steffy. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever met.


The elevator finally arrived at Steffy's floor. Liam exited the elevator and made his way down the hallway to Steffy's door. When Liam was in front of Steffy's door he took a minute before knocking.

Liam: (whispering) Get it together Liam. You are just over here doing a favor for a new friend. You won't even be here that long. This is not a big deal.

Liam lifted his hand and knocked on the door. He heard and Steffy's voice on the other side of the door yell.

Steffy: One minute. I will be right there.

A few seconds went by but to Liam it felt like a eternity. Just when he thought he was about to pass out the door opened.

Steffy: Hi Liam.

Liam cursed in his head. Whether she was at party, work or at home Steffy Forrester always looked flawless. Steffy was casually dressed in a pair of black leggings and a simple black tank top. Her long chestnut hair was pulled up in a messy top knot bun on top of her head. Her face was pretty much void of make up except for a light lip gloss. She looked beautiful. Liam had agonized for 30 minutes about what to wear before he went over to Steffy's tonight. When he finally realized he was making big deal out of nothing, he finally picked out a regular pair of jeans and a blue V-neck shirt. He still took a shower and groomed himself as best he could before he left for her place.

Liam: (nervously) Hey, Hey Steffy.

Steffy: Come on in.

Steffy stood back and let Liam enter her home. Liam couldn't help the whistle that escaped his lips after walking into Steffy's penthouse condo.

Steffy: (laughing) You like Spencer?

Liam: Yea. I mean wow. This place, Wow.

Steffy: (laughing) I know I felt the same way when I first saw the condo.

Liam: ( surprised) Wait. Is that a bathtub in the middle of your living room?

Steffy: (laughing) Yea it is. The previous owner, Jackie M put it in.

Liam: I think I've heard of her.

Steffy: Her and her husband were let's just say very passionate about taking bath's together. When I got the place I made a few changes but I don't know, something told me not get rid of the bath tub. Besides, I love taking bubble baths.

Liam laughed nervously.

Steffy: So would you like a tour?

Liam: Yea. That would be great. Lead the way.

Steffy took Liam from room to room. Liam listened as Steffy told him about the changes she made to the penthouse to fit her style. He could see by the change's she made that Steffy was definitely a fan of modern design. The color scheme of her home mostly consisted of black and white, her favorite two colors, with a pop of different color's in each room.

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