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May 3, 2007

It was 3AM on the Pacific Highway.

"Where are we going? Why did everyone fall asleep? What happened to Auntie Jen? Who was that man who came inside our house?" the five-year-old girl asked her mother as her father was driving.

"Lily, sweetie, aunt Jen will be all right," the mother answered to comfort her daughter. The mother just couldn't tell her baby that her aunt was murdered by a home intruder.

"If He was the one who sent them, then He must already know," the father says in distress. He whispers to his wife. "We need to tell her what she is!"

"No! She doesn't understand what she is, and we need to keep it that way," the mother continues. "We need to keep her far away from here. But we can't be with her."

"Are you insane?" The father questions his wife. "She's a child!"

"She's gifted!"

"It's a curse!"

"Daddy?" The mother and father turned around to look at their daughter who stared at them innocently. "Why are you yelling at each other?"

The mother tries to comfort her again. "It's nothing sweetie, we're just having a disagreement," she turns to look at her husband.

"They'll be looking for us to get to her," she whispers to him. Her husband sighs.

"I can't leave my daughter..." he said sadly, watching the road ahead of him as he drove.

"I feel the same way but we don't have much of a choice," she sighed. "Whenever I try to live a normal life, my past just comes back to haunt me."

The husband takes one hand off the wheel and takes his wife's hand, "That's why I'm here for you, Agnis."

Agnis smiled at her husband, "Thank you, Noah."

Noah smiles back at Agnis then looked back at the road as he drove.

Agnis looks back at Lily and found her sleeping. She smiled at this and turns away. Her smile then faded away. "It's going to be hard to leave her..." she says sadly.

"That's what I've been trying to say..." Noah chuckled. Agnis looks at him and playfully punched his arm.

Noah laughs softly. "Agnis, I'm driving." Agnis giggles a bit at him.

Noah looks at his rear window and noticed a car was following them. He clenched tightly on the steering wheel and looks at Agnis.

"Someone's following us," Noah tells Agnis with a worried tone

A chill went down Agnis' spine. "Y-You sure?" she asked.

"We're on an empty highway and a black van is following us, so yeah I'm sure," he answers sarcastically.

"Now's not a good time to be sarcastic!" She glares at him. "Drive faster!"

Noah floors the gas pedal and started speeding down the highway. Agnis checks the rear mirror to see if the vehicle was following them still, but it seemed it wasn't speeding up.

"Noah, they're not trying to catch up," Agnis said to him.

"Seriously?!" Noah exclaims in surprise. The sound of sirens followed by blue and red lights followed behind them. "Oh my god..." he face-palms himself and pulls over to the side of a highway.

"I think we're getting a bit too paranoid." Noah sighs and rubs his eyes.

A police officer knocked on Noah's window as he rolls the window down.

"You know how fast you were going?" The police officer asked.

Noah sighs and nodded. "Yes, sir. I was going 120 miles per hour."

"May I ask why?"

"Well..." Noah thinks of an excuse. "My wife has a psychotic disorder. She keeps bothering me about someone following us and made me go past the speed limit," he chuckles softly, hoping the officer would believe in his lie.

"Oh..." The officer exclaimed in surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't-" the officer was plunged by a knife to his neck.

Agnis shrieked in horror when she saw this. The hooded person who stabbed the officer looked at them as the body dropped.

"Kindly step out of the car. Thy Lord is waiting for you." The hooded person said.

"Go to hell!" Noah shouted before stomping on the gas pedal and driving off.

Noah looks at Agnis who was hyperventilating. He puts a hand on top of hers. "Everything will be all right." He says comfortingly. Agnis began to take slow deep breaths and nodded.

"I'm sorry I brought you into this..." she says sadly.

"No, no. It's your parents' fault for being a part of the occult." Noah sighed. "We're almost close to Tacoma. I know a nun at an orphanage. She'll take care of Lily."

"What if they find out about her?" Agnis asked nervously.

"This isn't 1650. If they find out, they'll try to help her," Noah answers. "They're good people, Agnis."

Agnis held onto Noah's hand tightly as he continued to drive.

Later they arrived at Tacoma. Agnis feels uneasy about the city. "This place looks dangerous..." she says.

Noah looked around. "It's night time. Of course, you'd think it's dangerous." He chuckles softly. "Is Lily awake?"

Agnis turned around to see Lily still sleeping. "No, she's still asleep."

They finally arrived at the orphanage. They get out of the car as Agnis carried the asleep Lily with her. They walked up to the front door of the orphanage and knocked. The door was opened by a woman who seems to be in her thirties. She has porcelain skin, red hair and green eyes. She wore a black habit and looked at Noah with a smile.

"Hello, Noah." She said happily.

"Sister Madeline, I need you to do me a favour," Noah says and looks at Lily. "I need you to take in Lily."

"Are they after you two again?" Sister Madeline asked. Agnis nodded.

"Please take care of my Lily," Agnis says as she gave Lily to the nun. Sister Madeline takes Lily and held the fiver year old in her arms.

"Don't worry, Agnis, Lily is in good care." Sister Madeline smiled at Agnis.

"Come on, we have to go," Noah said to Agnis. Agnis kisses Lily on her forehead.

"I'll see you again," Agnis whispered before going off with Noah.

Sister Madeline watched them drive away as she takes Lily inside and closed the door.

Karmen: Here's the new prologue of Death Witch! If you're wondering why I'm rewriting the story is so I can improve on it more and have it eligible for the Wattys!

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