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You could say that Astra and Sirius Black were two sides of the same coin.

They had many things in common,but  many more differences.

For example whereas the boy twin disagrees with their parent's extreme views on blood purity, his twin vehemently agrees.

Where one twin was careless and had a lack of regards to rules, the other is what you could call a no nonsense  'goody two-shoes'.

But alas they were siblings so they had to put their differences aside.

Both were born on a cold November night. November 3rd 1959 to be exact.

Astra's relationship with Sirius in their early childhood was like one should be at this age.

But that all changed when they were old enough to think for themselves.

As said before Astra wholeheartedly agreed with everything their parents said, what began Sirius' hostility towards her.

They eventualy grew apart. Astra relating with her younger brother,Regulus more and Sirius resenting her,lead them to barely talking with eachother.

The only interaction they had were the nasty looks or crude comment here and there.

But the time came for their childhood to end.

They were to attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy this september.

Naturally Astra wanted to be sorted in slytherin,the traditional house of her family.

Sirius wasn't so sure though. He hesitated between defying his parents by being sorted in hufflepuff or to obey them this once.

Both were extremely nervous.

They'll have to wait for september 1st


I'm sorry this is so bad xd
But yeah please comment what you think about it.

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