Chapter Seven

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It took a moment for me to get my bearings.  Though even when my lashes fluttered open, I realized I was staring into the darkness of the bedroom.  I would have thought it were just a horrible dream if it weren't for the fact that when I tried to move I noticed my arm were tied tightly behind my back.

                A deep voice came from behind me, just out of reach of my periphereals.  "Don't move too much.  You'll bruise those pretty little wrists of yours."   The voice sounded familiar but did not register at first.  I blinked my eyes hard in response.

                I could hear the bed shifting as the man moved closer towards me.  He bent down next to me and lifted my chin to his face.  In the dark I could only make out the outlines of a mask that covered his face.  The mask was black and wrapped cleanly around his face.  It vaguely resembled Dylan's stage mask mixed with a ski mask.

                His breath smelled minty fresh as it carassed the skin on my face.  That's when the familiarity of his voice hit me.  It was my ex-boyfriend.  "Don't worry sweetheart.  You'll see God when I take my mask off."

                I quickly tried to move my feet but soon realized they were tied together just as tightly.  He laughed as he picked me up, throwing me roughly over his shoulder.  His hand held tighlty onto the back of my knees.  As we walked through the open door and finally down the hallway towards the front door, I was thrown against the wood carelessly.  I grunted with each impact.  That's when I decided to scream.

                My ear piercing scream shattered what was left of the sound barrier.  I filled my lungs to maximum capacity and screamed until they were bone dry over and over again.  He quickly threw me on the floor in front of the front door.

                "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"  His knuckles slammed into my nose.  I had never been punched before and it startled me.  I could feel the warm red blood running down my nose and into my mouth.

                After a few moments of making sure no one would check to see if someone was actually in trouble, he slung me over his shoulder again and carried me out the front door.  Through my tears and blood I saw the last thing I had ever wanted to see.  Jake's crumpled body on the floor, just out of sight of the neighbor's doors.  I cried again at the idea of never seeing Jordan again.

                He took the stairs down to the first floor.  Making sure not to make more noise then was needed.   If I made any sort of sobbing noises he would slam me against the walls knocking out whatever wind I still had left in my lungs.  I would remain speechless for another flight before I'd start the horrible noises again.

                Once we made it to the first floor, he paused to make sure no one would see us leave.  After clearing the pathway, he bolted towards the back door, both of us falling out into the alleyway.  He grunted heavily in my ear as he slammed the door behind us.

                "Keep quiet."  He huffed.  I prayed that someone had seen us or that someone would see the camera footage.  Hopefully before it were too late.

                After fumbling with his keys he threw the back door of his small grey car open and shoved me onto the seat.  And then finally jumped into the driver's seat and peeled away.  I sighed and began sobbing uncontrollably.  The fartehr we pulled away from the apartment complex, the father we pulled away from my last hope of survival.    Through my seat in the back, I watched as the city faded away behind us, leaving just a cluster of stars in their place.

                I was certain he wouldn't take me back to his house.  It would be too easy to find me.  BUt he'd want to make sure his life continued on after mine did, so he would want to kill me off quickly or at least be close to his house to maintain normality.  I desperately tried to make out any focal point that could save me later.

                But after what felt like two hours, I soon realized, I had no idea where I was and knew that no one would find me.

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