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In the land of Erinn, there is a limitless potential for growth and progress.

It is a land ruled by a timeless, vibrant series of eventful moments and flourishing youth.

Milletians, people who mysteriously arrived to Erinn from another world, are able to spend an eternity to improve themselves.

Strange enough, Milletians do not die. They are ageless, without limit, besides their physical appearance.

Milletians are connected to something called the Soul Stream, it purifies their soul and lets them have some sort of hyper-focus to an aspect within themselves. This purification process is called, rebirth. Rebirth is guided by a goddess named, Nao. 

These talents can include combative aspect, or a very passive aspect, like cooking.

Everyone here has capability to do anything, as long as it is worked for.

Nothing in this land is free, and those that do have control tend to abuse this power.

It is easy also to train yourself to become as strong as you desire, but it is also an unchallenging feat to find yourself completely broken and alone.

This world seems easy to live in, the eternal life, power, and youth, but in reality, Milletians depend on other Milletians to truly survive and grow.

Being alone and detested can be compared to dying in this world.

Community is important here, and many do group up and form family-like bonds.

These family-like bonds cumulate into what are called, guilds. The leaders of these groups, guilds, are generally supposed to help out one another, but some are a bit less inclusive as others.

Not all guilds are kind nor genuine to one another, even to their own members, but even family can betray family.

Erinn being separated into three continents, Uladh would have to be the most crowded one. Uladh is a generally vast and lively land. Tara is the largest and ruling kingdom of Uladh.

This world will always be filled with greedy merchants and power-hungry savages; though this is true, the dense population will always find a way to balance itself out between the good and evils.

There are a majority of kind-hearted souls, willing to help out without hesitation.

Most of the people I have encountered, are very much like this. Maybe though, it is due to my status as a Noblesse of the land.

Living in this kingdom, Tara, I have been able to observe humanity behind and around these castle walls.

There have been dozens of lives that I have lived to help my mother, Eirawen. 

The Queen of Tara. 

I am titled as the "Master Combatant of Tara", and though much of that accounts for my intense training and feats as a Royal Knight of the land, it is mostly driven by my love for adventure.

I have always craved for adventure, and nothing more.

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