28 - Finding Our Man

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**Pictured- Bagh Badihr, Castle Town of Dropavell.

Soterios - POV;

"Damn it!" I exclaimed, unable to find the fleeing Cain. I walked back to the hotel slowly, contemplating what the hell had just gone on.

Entering the hotel I found Csilla inspecting the damaged wall. She gasped when she saw me,"Soterios?! What happened? You look like you just fought in a bar brawl."

"I fought but not in a bar," I raised my hand to point the cracked structure, "that happened when Cain smashed me into it and the hole came from him trying to burst open my brains."

"You two fought?!" Csilla seemed surprised.

"Yeah. The second he saw me he flipped. I think he mentioned something about you. I'm guessing he figured out about our........problems. He asked me about it before but I didn't say anything because he'd worry needlessly," I answered her.

She clasped her hands over her mouth and spoke in a muffled voice,"Oh no. This is all my fault."

"Huh?" I didn't understand why she blamed herself.

"I told him what happened this morning. I said some regrettable things as well. I'm sorry Soterios," she bowed her head as she said this.

I sighed and touched her shoulder. She looked up at me confused. I smiled and looking into her eyes I started speaking, "I've done some stupid things but let's not mull over this anymore. We've made Cain concerned and led him to his actions. We're both to blame for all of this so let's put this situation past us and return to just being the good friends we were. I don't know if we can share the best-friendship we had but we can try."

Tears bagan to flow down her cheeks and she hugged me. "Of course we can be friends. I'm sorry Soterios. I acted so rashly and I caused this to happen. I promise I'll- no we'll fix this," she sobbed.

"Then let's start by asking around town. Someone must have seen Cain," I proposed.

"No Soterios! You must not seek him out!" Durnehviir shouted.

Csilla jumped in surprise. "Who said that?!" she was alarmed.

I raised an eyebrow at her before the realisation occurred to me. "Csilla, I never did tell you both did I?" I inquired rhetorically.

"Tell us what?" she was still on edge.

"Because of the time he spent in the Cave of Souls, Durnehviir's soul had been able to grow stronger. Since we left Alyenqua he's been speaking to me. Sometimes only I can hear, sometimes everyone can. It's pretty cool huh?" I explained the situation to her.

"You have become weaker child. Your obsession over your emotions has hindered your strength. Rise again and allow yourself to come out of the ordeal stronger than you were before," Durnehviir addressed Csilla.

"Thank you, I guess," she still looked dumbfounded.

"What do you mean don't look for him?" I interrupted.

"You are both destined for a great legend of your own. It has come time that your paths must split so each of you can live your own adventure. Searching will be futile," Durnehviir explained.

I trusted in the Dragon's words. He'd helped me thus far so I'd felt that I atleast owed him this. Yet still, I wished that Cain would come back. He's always been at my side and he was my inspiration and drive for whatever I was doing in life. I wasn't sure if I could continue this huge undertaking alone.

"Come on," I spoke to Csilla,"let's get some information about this Black Dragon."

We asked all around Mullodar but no one seemed to know exactly where the dragon went. In fact, no one seemed to know whom saw the beast nor where it was seen. After an entire day yielded no fruits for our investigation we decided it was time to move towards the capital.

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