Answer me kitten• Michael Clifford

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'Michael cut it out', you groaned, 'I have work to do'. Why did he always have to choose the most inappropriate times to get turned on? You were sitting at the desk in your study trying to put the finishing touches to a very important paper and you really didn't need any distractions, even if that distraction was in the form of Michael Clifford.
'I know baby, but you just look so sexy with your hair like that and those glasses on. You look just like a dirty secretary just begging to be fucked', he continued, completely unperturbed by your protests. Wondering what was so sexy about a messy bun and some thick rimmed glasses you sighed and continued to type, doing your best to ignore him, thinking that if you did he would just get bored and wander off to play Xbox or something. You were wrong. You were pulled out of focus by the feeling of two strong hands on your shoulders which began to slowly knead at the tired and overwrought muscles beneath them.
'You're so tense baby', he muttered into your ear, knowing that his low and gravelly tones would turn you on. They always did. 'Why don't you forget about all this work and come and come and let daddy take care of you? You know I can make you feel good. Do you want daddy to make you feel good kitten?' Fucker. He knew full well that you could never maintain your composure if he called you kitten. It was your ultimate weakness and this wasn't the first time he'd used that information to get what he wanted from you. Well there was no way you were letting that happen tonight. If Michael Clifford wanted sex, he could have it, but he was getting in on your terms, whether he liked it or not.
'Mmmm daddy', you moaned louder than you normally would, 'take me upstairs'. Michael didn't miss a beat. As soon as the words left your mouth he had you thrown over his shoulder, making a beeline towards the stairs that led to your shared bedroom. Once inside the door he pressed you against the wall and began leaving rough kisses against the tender skin of your neck, pausing ever now and then to nip and suck on your most sensitive spots. Deciding that you wanted him hot and needy you began to grind your hips into his. Feeling his already hardening cock you smile to yourself, making him beg was going to be child's play. You tug on his belt and he quickly gets the message. Unwrapping your legs from around his waist he throws you onto the bed. He rids himself of his clothes before climbing on top of you and beginning to tear yours from your body. Once you're completely bare he starts to make his way down your body, kisses and licking as he goes, until his head is between your thighs. You can feel his rough stubbles scratching at the delicate skin of your thighs and you moan out.
'Do you want it kitten?', he asks smirking up at you. You take a moment to gather your thoughts which have become clouded from Michael's kisses and touch. If he were to eat you out you'd more than likely lose any self-possession you had but then again if he did busy himself it would be the perfect opportunity to grab the handcuffs from the bedside locker without him noticing.
'Answer me kitten', he spoke, giving your thigh a shark nip for keeping him waiting, 'do you want daddy's tongue on you?'
'Yes daddy. Yes please. Give me your tongue'. Here goes nothing.
You gasp at the sudden contact of his lips, his plump lips relentlessly sucking only to be interrupted by his eager tongue on your clit. You allow yourself a moment to lose yourself in the pleasure he's giving you before dragging yourself back to the task at hand. As noiselessly as possible to stretch your arm over to the bedside locker and retrieve the handcuffs and quickly stuff them under your pillow. It was now or never.
'Michael stop', you whimper out, 'I don't want to come on your tongue. I want to come around your cock. Please baby, kiss me, please'. You hear Michael groan at the thought of being buried inside you so he's more than happy to comply with your wishes. Once his lips are level with yours you kiss him with as much force and vigour as your can muster. Tasting yourself on his lips only serves to make you want him more and so with all the strength you can rally you quickly roll him over and push his hands above both of your heads. Totally oblivious to your intentions, Michael allows you to continue to straddle him and you breathe a sigh of relief as you reach under the pillow.
'Y/N, what the fuck?', Michael half yells as he feels the cool metal of the cuffs snap closed around his wrists.
'Don't struggle baby', you giggle, 'you'll only make it worse'.
'What are you doing? What's going on? What are you going to do?' You'd never seen Michael look quite so shaken and to be honest you kind of got a kick from it. Now you know why he liked to be the dominant in your relationship. There was a certain element of power that was undeniably sexy.
'I'm in charge now baby', you purr as you place open-mouthed kisses on his chiselled collarbones, 'you're going to be my kitten now and you're going to do whatever I say aren't you?'
Michael can only nod in response as you start to grind on his now painfully hard member.
'Would you like me to suck you off Michael', you ask in the most innocent and sensual voice you can muster. You can practically see the longing radiating off of his sweat-dampened skin as he looked up at you, clearly enjoying the view. Maybe this whole 'dom' think suited you?
'Answer me kitten', you mock in the same way he had teased you earlier, 'use your words, do you want me to suck you off?'
'Yes...yes please. Fuck Y/N, give me your gorgeous mouth. Give me anything. I'm so fucking hard for you right now baby. I've never needed anyone this badly before', Michael practically growled, clearly finding his voice. His passionate and wanton outburst went straight to your loins and for a second you thought of abandoning your plans altogether and having him take you hard like he has done so many times before. Deciding against it, you kept your poise and locked your eyes on his as you slinked down his body. You take his swollen penis in your hand and begin to pump it slowly, enjoying the drawn out moan that falls from your boyfriends lips. You smile up at him and bring his shaft to your mouth. Judging by the breathy sounds falling from his open mouth and the frenzied movement of his hips you conclude that he's not going to last for much longer so you resolve to cut the teasing and take him as far back as you can. Another almost embarrassingly loud moan falls from Michael's lips and you decide that you're slowly falling in love with the sound. You continue to bob your head until you feel Michael's dick twitch in your mouth. You pull away and move to kiss his lips once more before you line yourself up with him.
'Do you want more baby?' you ask him.
'Please Y/N, let me be inside you. I love your pussy baby. You're so warm for me baby please'. How could you say no to that? You allow yourself to sink lower and lower under your hips meet his entirely.
'Fuck Michael', you breathe. No matter how many times you take him you're sure that you'll never quite get used to how big he is.
'Move baby please', Michael says as he tries in vain to rut his hips further up into yours. Wordlessly you comply, swivelling your hips with every thrust and crying out when his tip meets your g-spot. You become totally lost in the euphoric feeling and you feel your orgasm approaching. The warm sensation spreads throughout your stomach and despite your best efforts you know you're not going to be able to hold off.
'Michael...', you whine.
'I know. Fuck baby I know. Me too. Come for me', needing no more acquiescence you allow yourself to come undone and Michael quickly follows suit, both of you panting and moaning so loudly you're sure the neighbours will be submitting noise complaints the next day.
'Babe? Do you think you could take these off me now?', Michael asks sheepishly once his ragged breath returns to normal.
You glance over at the flushed and befuddled boy lying next to you and you can't help but laugh.
'Of course kitten', you smirk.
Freed from his restrains Michael pulls you to his chest and plants a lazy kiss to your lips. 'That was different', he smiles.
'Good different or bad different?', you question timidly.
'I don't know Y/N, we might have to do it again so I can make my mind up'.

A/N.  HIII! I finally updated 👏🏻👏🏻YAYYY I FINALLY GOT TO IT, I've been writing but just really slowly. Schools got me all fucked up with the drama and work😴😷 ANYWHORE VOTE & comment PLZ
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