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  The sun had started to set and the stars began to fade in. The sky turning to dark shades of blues and purples. It had been a cool night, not too hot, or freezing. It had been perfect in the City and it indeed had been a night where several were outside partying with one another. Some gathered in bars some in clubs. Everybody enjoyed their Friday night. Nothing was happening in the crazed filled town. 

  A lonely male though had been walking out of the bar dressed in  dark green button up and neatly ironed slacks. A blacked crossed tie laying right across his torso. The male's expressionless blue eyes gazed at the sidewalk that seemed to have shook a bit in front of him as he walked. "Ugh.." He muttered placing a hand on his messy shoulder length red hair.  "I better get home." He groaned gripping his stomach tightly and walking faster down the almost endless sidewalk. 


  "Arghh.." groaned the red haired male as he emptied his stomach into the toilet of his small quiet apartment. His arm shook violently as he reached for the glass of water he set next to himself. He picked up the glassing sipping a bit of the water before dropping the cup making it shatter and spill all across the floor. He emptied his stomach into the toilet once again, tears began to pour form his eyes, wetting his cheeks, and spotting his shirt. 

  The male's name had been Spirit, Spirit Albarn. And this had been his life since the day everyone left him, His daughter, his wife. The only two people he cared for just left him. All he could do was go to the bar to drink, not flirt with the ladies anymore. He couldn't, they just all reminded him of.. her. He'd gone to bar almost every night since then, his daughter and wife left him months ago. Five to be exact. He didn't go to Lord Death's, hell he barely even went anywhere other than the bar. Nobody really seemed to have been that bothered. He never showed up for work. And anytime somebody came to the house he'd never answer. So everyone just gave up. 

  Spirit gripped the toilet seat bringing himself to a standing position as his legs shook weakly. He searched in the cabinet doors for a loose hairband. Once he found one he slipped it around his hair in a small pony tail leaving loose hairs on each side to form around his face. He sniffed wiping away his tears that stained his cheeks. He stared into the mirror, at the mess of himself. He came home every night feeling worse than the next. Spirit shakily reached out his arm to the mirror, opening the door and grasping a simple bottle of aspirin. He avoided the shattered glass while using the wall as support. He'd clean the mess tomorrow. He'd feel better then. He thought to himself as he stripped his tie, shirt and slacks; tossing them to the floor. He shivered touching his forehead that felt rather hot. Frowning he set the aspirin bottle onto the nightstand that stood next to his bed.

  Turning around he just about tripped on his carelessly tossed shoes on the floor. His shoulders slumped down as he walked back into the bathroom. He grabbed a rag, wetting it with cool water, and walking back to the bed. He laid down placing the wet rag on his own forehead after tucking himself into bed. He opened the aspirin bottle barely having enough strength to get passed the safety lock. He took out two small white pills and popped them in his rather dry mouth and swallowed them down. He stared at the ceiling soon; almost immediately going off into a deep sleep.


  "Beep Beep Beep Beep!" Blared his alarm clock that had been set for 9:00 AM. Spirit groaned slowly opening his eyes. Blinking a few times to clear the blurriness, he sat up his head throbbing in pain as he reached over to turn his clock off. Once he did he stared at the still clock, thinking if he should really get up. Even though he didn't have to do anything he still got up. He tossed off the covers placing his legs over the edge of the bed. He grabbed the almost empty aspirin bottle and took out a few more pills to rid his headache for the day.

  He stood sighing softly. The day seemed grey, and cloudy. His room hadn't been very bright like usual. The color seemed quite faded. Spirit walked out of the messy bedroom to his kitchen. Opening a small pantry door he pulled out a small broom and dustpan. He walked down the hall back to the bedroom which led to the bathroom. Spirit stared at the broken glass. The water had no longer been there which made it easier. He knelt down grabbing the larger pieces of glass carelessly doing it, he cut down his hand on a sharper edge. He flinched retracting his arm, wanting to finish the task at hand before beginning a new one. 

  Blood trickled down his hand dripping on the white tiled bathroom floor. He swept the glass into the dustpan tossing it into the trash. The blood still dripping from his hand onto the floor. He sniffed, tears starting to slide from his chin onto the floor, mixing with the blood. The broom slipped from his hands making a loud thunk on the bathtub. He fell to his already bruised knees sobbing quietly. His quiet sobs grew into something more loud and saddened. He clenched his fists sobbing into them.

Insane in the Brain for Love and Painजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें