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I woke up.


Remembering where I was.

Ean Hunter's Resort.

I sighed and pulled the covers over my shoulders, the tip of my nose was even cold. The room had been so warm when I had drifted off and now, I wanted to know what had happened.

However, getting out seemed like suicide, then I noticed some light filtering in from the bit of exposed window and sat up abruptly. Once again causing myself more aching and pain.

I groaned but hobbled over to the window and peered out, pulling the thick curtains back slightly. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light, expecting the sun or something but all that was there was millions and millions of snow flakes. I felt my anger boiling, I really was snowed in with some stranger!

I turned sharply and grabbed my jeans, dressing quickly. I wasn't going to sit here and let my whole entire... okay, my few number of friends think I was dead! No way, no how...

I fumbled out of his flannel shirt and put on my ripped up one but I got a chill and decided the flannel was still necessary.

I burst out of the room and walked to the door, trying to find my boots, which I did find. My black suede high end lovelies that were muddy and ruined!

“Argh!” I shrilled, staring at them.


I heard him groaning and I glanced over my shoulder as I struggled with the boots. He sat up slowly on the couch and rubbed his face.

“Amy, what are you doing?”

“I'm leaving.” I shot, almost toppling to the floor.

“What...” He got off the couch and in his boxers only! What the...

I looked away, “I'm leaving, are you hard at hearing?”

“Amy, you can't leave. Where are you going to go?” He found a shirt and pulled it on before walking over, still in his boxers mind you but at least he had his jeans in one hand.

I huffed, “Thanks for saving me, but I dunno, I can't stay here. Elizabeth likely thinks I'm dead!”

“Well...” he sighed, “Amy...”
I grabbed the door and started to unlock it.

“You'll get hypothermia, you can't...” He grabbed my arm.

“Get off me!” I flung my arms out at him, my pain getting the best of me in that moment and I tripped back into the door.

“Amy.” He steadied me, “I can't let you go out there.”

“This is kidnapping.”

He stared down at me, “It's really cold. I don't think you understand and look at what you want to go out there in...”

I rolled my eyes, “I'll be fine!” Then turned and opened the door, the freezing wind hit me, blowing snow directly into my face. I took in a staggered breath and slammed the door shut.

He lifted an eyebrow, “I told you.”

I didn't give up easily. I hadn't climbed to the top of the company by giving up.

“I need your keys.” I told him.

He almost laughed, “What?”

“Yeah, I want your truck keys.”

Ean creased his brow, “It's snowed in.”

“Don't you have a plough!”

“I have an ATV that I will use to get out of my steep driveway once the snow stops.” He told me, “But right now, that truck isn't going anywhere.”

SNOW KISSED {NOW PUBLISHED}Where stories live. Discover now