Sterning Desire...

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It is from my personal experience....
I met a person who is handicapped...and did so much hard work to get a medical seat...
And finally he got a seat in very esteemed college...

But, his admission was late and he missed few classes...
Starting from day 1 he started struggling to understand the basics...of the subject...

He started begging every help him and was completely fed up with his efforts...

He came to me..and I gave him some tips so that he felt very happy and he touched my feet....
Suddenly tears came in to my eyes....

He started telling his story, he came from a village, where till now there is no proper transportation...

If any health problem comes they have to go nearly 50 km from their village...and many of them dies in the middle even they don't know about oral rehydration therapy....

So, I am strongly decided to sacrifice my life their by opening a nursing home....he said...

What made him to think in this way, my mind asked me...

He is handicapped and he wants to do something....why...I questioned myself...

Because, he is a human....

Author's note:
Desires have no discrimination...

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