Chapter One | Part Two - Why

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          Lance. Lance McClain is his name. Lance used to be Keith's right hand man, his closest friend, and his cocky rival. Maybe I was a bad friend, Keith thought. Maybe I was horrible to him... But I would really like to know what made him hurt and scar me like this.

          The occasional pushes in the hallways at school slowly led to verbal abuse, and then Lance came at Keith with everything he had. Lance attacked Keith with all his anger, and Pidge wasn't there to stop him. That was the day Keith had everything taken away from him. His family, his friend, and his memories. 

          Keith wished he could remember, he really did. He wanted to remember the fun they had, the adventures the two of them went on with Pidge, and the late nights spent arguing about Marvel vs D.C.

          Keith can only thank Pidge for remembering, for understanding, for being here for him. And Keith can only hope Lance remembers. He can only hope things might change.

          Keith stared out at the dull gray sky from the window in his room, putting down the comic he was reading, called "Countdown to Countdown". It was one of Pidge's all time favorites, and he wanted to get to know her interests so he could learn to be a better friend.

          But all he seemed to care about at the moment was why. Why was he trying to understand these people, even though he'll never know the truth? Why was he trying to make sense of whatever was left in his chaotic life? Why did he care so much? Why did he try?

          Keith continued to stare out at the gloomy clouds, unaware of the tears trailing down his face, hitting the sheets of his bed.






[ A / N ] The second chapter is a bit late (and short) but I hope you like it! I'm going to start trying to be a bit more descriptive, and I'll try to make these updates longer! Any things I missed that you'd like to see? Please comment below! As always, see you next time!

(Slowly cries in the corner because Author-chan can't decide who she wants the story's pairing to be)

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