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Insignificant - Prologue

"What can I get you darling?" The woman asked in a motherly tone.

"I'd like a brownie, please." Chloe said shyly. Her voice was soft, yet clear. 

"Of course." The woman smiled, cut a square of gooey warm brownie and handed it to Chloe. 

Chloe fished a dollar bill out to the woman and handed it over. But the woman pushed the hand back.

"It's yours, dear." The woman's voice was sad yet soft. "You seem like a good kid."

"Oh, but I couldn't-" Chloe's face flushed, as she tried to insist, but the woman interrupted.

"Do it for me?"

Chloe colored, but she smiled shyly. "Okay.Thank you."

She heard a laugh and turned. Maya Canters was the designated laugher. Chloe wished she had a laugh that sounded like the tinkling of sleigh bells like Maya's. Not a quiet giggle, like her own rarely-heard laugh. 

She saw who Maya was with, and the familiar rush of mixed emotions swirled in her stomach. Maya was talking to Jake Campbell, her old best friend. She remembered every memory with him, and they were so painful. She wished she could forget but life was cruel.

No - society was cruel.

Jake laughed too, and Chloe looked around, to look anywhere but at him, at them. She wished her best friend Leah was here - she'd at least have someone to talk to, and not feel like a lost puppy trotting around to find his owner.

Trust Chloe Andrews -her- to always be the loner, even at her high school's local 'theatre night'. Basically a bunch of kids who thought they were gifted perform a play. She even wondered why people like Jake and Maya were there. Then she remembered that Maya's boyfriend and Jake's new best friend - Jayden Morris - was performing.

She liked these school nights, they gave her simply something to do. Proof that she did have 'a life'. Even though deep down, she believed she didn't.

You'd think that at sixteen - a junior in high school - you'd have figured out where you were going, and it seemed like everyone but Chloe and Leah had. Chloe hated feeling so insignificant, so lost. But it couldn't be helped.

The brownie isn't bad, she thought as she munched, not noticing how crumbs fell on her pink lips and dribbled down her pointy chin. In fact, it's delicious. 

Her opinion on anything changed so quickly- it was incredible. Her thoughts just moved, flowed like a river, rushing by in a whirlwind and leaving her. She was what you'd call crazy. But she couldn't help it.

She couldn't stay here. The thought hit her like a truck. She didn't belong. She was an idiot for thinking that she did, even for a second. She belonged nowhere, except for in her own thoughts.

She slipped around the corner, the giggles from people fading away. She walked in a blind trance, tears streaming down her cheeks, without her even know why she was crying.

She was crying. 

Finally, she came to a room holding a windowsill. She placed her hands on the sill, and deftly pulled her body upwards until she was sitting on the ledge. The fragile window pane was dirty and she touched it, trailing her fingers on the cracks. The window was imperfect - just like her. 

Chloe hoisted her legs onto the ledge and buried her face in them. Her jeans were dark denim, but her legs looked short and stumpy in them, not long and slim like the other girls'. Her grey wool coat suddenly didn't look artistic but silly and childish. Her black ankle boots made her feet look big, suddenly.

"No," she whispered beginning to cry. "No."

Little did she know that a boy was watching her, his heart melting because of her tears. But he also felt insignificant - too cowardly and insignificant to comfort her. Or himself.

DONE! Omg. Worked so hard to get this right. I hope it paid. This is a Short Story, as listed above:) It's against bullying but not only and also about not fitting in, and finding love. I hope some people can relate. 

For @snuffle_uffagus . They're going through some hard times but they're strong people so I know they can go through it:)

Well, the chapters for this will be 3 pages at most per chapter, so if you don't like books with short chapters, this is not for you!! You have been warned!;)

Please vote, comment and fan if you think it's worth it! And this will be edited during Christmas break.




** COVER MADE BY THE BEAUTIFUL @shifts! ILYSM! Go fan her! **

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