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Insignificant - 2

"Chloe? Is that you?"

"Yes," Chloe answered, kicking off her boots in the hallway. "Hi mom."

"Hey hon." Chloe heard foosteps padding down the staircase, and her mom appeared looking tired but happy. "Oh, Chloe - how many times have I told you to not just kick your boots off?"

"Oh - sorry!" Chloe cried, taking the boots and placing them next to her sister Celeste's.

Her mom just sighed. "How was school today?"

"Good," Chloe said.

"How was that ... umm, English Oral?"

"It was a Trig test," Chloe corrected, wondering how her mom possibly remembered every single one of Celeste's tests. And Celeste was a senior, therefore having more tests than Chloe.

"Hey Chloe," Celeste said as Chloe walked into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey, Cel," Chloe said cautiously.

Celeste was sitting at the table, earphones in her ears. A notebook was opened and she was scribbling furiously in it, pausing every so once to check her laptop that was whirring next to her. Her brown hair was perfectly sleek, and a strand of hair fell into her face. Her clothes fit her body perfectly and she hummed sweetly. No wonder she had a boyfriend who loved her.

"How was school, Chlo?" Celeste asked, all while writing in her notebook.

"Good," Chloe answered nervously.

"How is Maya?"


"Yeah, your friend with the frizzy hair and green eyes!"

"Leah," Chloe snapped, starting to feel slightly annoyed.

"Sorry - how is she?"

"Good." It wasn't like Celeste to ask Chloe questions about her life - Celeste just usually stayed out of Chloe's way and Chloe did the same.

"Okay." Celeste absentmindedly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and Chloe walked into the kitchen.

She reached for a plate and pulled it down. She heated some milk, then spooned hot chocolate into a coffee mug and poured the hot milk in. She usually drank hot chocolate instead of coffee. She then grabbed some Ritz bisuits and let them tumble on to the plate before heading into her room.

"Chlo, Celeste has a gala to attend tonight, so make sure you're ready by seven thirty to go out!" Chloe heard her mom call.

Another gala?

"For what?" Chloe asked.

"Winning the "most dedicated student" award," Chloe's mom said, contemplating her older daughter proudly.

Celeste smiled comfortably. "Thanks mom. But, there were a lot of candidates, I was lucky to win."

"You weren't lucky, sweetie. You are the best!" Her mom crooned. "Isn't she, Chloe?"

"Yes, totally," Chloe said tightly. "Congrats, Cel. That's great."

"Thanks babe," Celeste said smugly. "I'm sure you'll win it when you're a senior."

Likely, Chloe thought sarcastically.

 "Okay, Chloe, go and study, and remember, be ready by seven thirty!"

The autumn leaves falling outside the window were beautiful but sad. Chloe felt like one of those leaves, just drifting down, down, down. But she wasn't down yet. She was in the middle. Maybe a lucky wind would push her to the top; make her fly.


"And, wear something nice!" Celeste called reprovingly.

"What you and I qualify as nice isn't the same thing, Cel."

The words were out of Chloe's mouth before she even knew it. Damn.

"Well then babe, wear something I qualify as nice," Celeste said faux-smilingly. "I laid out a dress on your bed."

"Okay," Chloe trailed off. She  stalked into the bedroom and looked at the dress on her bed. It was a maroon-red, knee-length sheath. Pretty, but somehow.... not her style.

But then, what was her style?

She looked out of the window. 

Her eyes focused on the bright orange leaf that clung to the tree, refusing to let go.

 I'm so sorry for the long wait:) But here is the new (and short, sorry :/) chapter. I just felt like finishing it today because I'd been leaving it out for so long. It was like 90 % done in beginning January and I left it hanging for so long that I just sat down and typed it out at school today. Meh. 

This is for my sister in real life, @Oreo_Land!

Alrighty then, I don't know when I'll update next. I'm focusing on 'Now or Never' and 'Out of the Extraordinary', and this is just a fun project for me. 

UPDATES: Now or Never = By March 1st

                     Out of the Extraordinary = By Feb 21st

I've said what I wanted to say:) Bye now!

~Val x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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