rachesassy, teddy bears obsessions, when AUs are completely the same thing

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-rachel be sasseh

rachel: ok soz

percy: wtf

rachel: i be rejecting you bish

percy: *cri*

rachel: *hairflip*

-octavian is basically obsessed with teddy bears

octavian: *sees a bear*

octavian: *think its a teddy bear*

octavian: i must sacrifice this to the gods!

octavian: *gets close to bear*

bear: rawr

octavian: *tries to kill bear*

octavian: *gets chased by a bear*

- AU characters are all like:

Percy Jackson as the kid who had  gone through depression.

Annabeth Chase as the girl who rules the school because she's smart

Piper Mclean as the girl who is queen b of the school but is abused

Thalia Grace as the girl who smokes and does drugs

Nico Di Angelo as the kid who has anxiety because his sister died

Jason Grace as the kid who is disowned bu his family and his sister is a drug addict

Leo Valdez as the kid who doesn't have a mom and is bullied by everyone

To be honest, the ONLY AU i like is "Puppets" by stardustedrose . I just love the book's plot. If you want to read it you can check out my profile and see the reading list name: Percy Jackson AU [Stories by stardustedrose

-Most AUs are all the same but with different characters...

-Percy Jackson High School Stories:

Only school that exists is Goode High School

Annabeth is the smartass

Percy Jackson is the football/basketball player

Reyna is Queen (okay, she is. its true)

Piper Mclean the bitch/slut

Leo Valdez aka the bad boy supreme (obviously, ALL DA LADIES LUV LEO)

Jason Grace, the hot blonde

Thalia Grace badass kid who skips school because honestly no one gives a dam [sea what i did there? ;) ] 

Nico Di Angelo the goth emo kid 

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