X Chapter 18 X

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Floyd's POV

I have to ask her out because if I don't then Boomer will cause I noticed that Boomer and Jamie have been hanging out a lot and I don't like it one bit..

Jamie's POV

We have got Harley, Chato, Boomer, June and surprisingly Rick, he agreed to it straight away which really did surprise me and so they are now involved but we are not asking Katana cause we know she's involved and if we did ask her it would be to risky incase she went straight to Amanda.

Also Boomer has been really helpful, since I was going through a tough time, he really did help me, he was almost like my personal therapist (which in fact I actually liked) so that was good and it has helped a lot..

"Hey Jamie" say's Floyd as he sits besides me

"Oh hey Floyd" I say as I snap out of my thoughts

"You ok" say's Floyd

"Uh yeah" I say

"Okay, um so I wanted to ask you something" say's Floyd

"Yeah sure go ahead" I say as I smile at him

"Will you be my girlfriend" mumbles Floyd

"What I couldn't hear you" I said as I looked at him

"Will you be my girlfriend" say's Floyd while blushing

"Yes" I say as I lean forward and kiss him.....
Short chapter

Feel free to ask questionss

Byeeeee my Little Ninja Turtles......XD

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