Y U Do Dis?!

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We went to a Nuking 2day. my eyez hurt but I got eyedroops so I cool.

I live in a bin but now I live in a wardrobe so the narnians can come to me. I went to the toilet but trumpers daughter Sri Lanka stopved me cas she hated my face but I said her face scuks and she walked off so I am happy now.

I was inmy wardrobe when I herd a lod "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I new something was wrong. I walked lik a smail to Sri lanka's room and saw a noose and srilanka was ded. lik dead,dead. thr trumpster was sad AF but he saw me.

"You can be my knew daughtwe cause one is ded and de other was a disappointment. I like my daughters so no homo k?" he leaned over and hugged me and liked my neck and made a dying whale sound. it was bootiful.

so den he got a pen and wrote 'proprtie of trump' and I couldn't be happier

My Trumpz (A donaldtrumpxy/n fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang