Chapter 8: Meet Megan Nicole :)

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Amanda's POV

                As we entered the police station I was nervous. What if Jake believed this girl was me. I'd have to reveal who I was right then and there.  I see Joey and a girl I don't know next to another chick that kinda looks like me. Shit she's pregnant too.

                "Took you long enough." Joey says.

                "Sorry." Jake says. I eye the girl over damn she might be able to pull this off.

                Joey motions to the girl sitting down. She looks up at him and I frown. She really does look like me. Holy shit.

                "Amanda?" he asks. She nods and gets up and starts to hug him. Jake sticks out his hand in a halting motion. We all look at him funny.

                "If you are really Amanda, what is your birthday?" Jake asks.

                "February 13." She says smiling.

                "Nope. You aren’t Amanda." Jake says sadly causing the girl to burst into tears.

                "Why are you crying!?" the girl next to JOey asks.

                "Because I'm jealous of  Amanda. I wish I was her…except for the missing part." the girl says.

                "It's alright." Jake says. "I'll sign your shirt if that makes you feel better."

                She nods and Joey hands Jake a permanent marker and he signs the back of her shirt. She slowly smiles.

                "Better?" Jake asks.

                "Yes." the girl says. "I'm Rachel"

                "Well nice to meet you Rachel, but we must be going." Jake says. He turns around and we all walk out of the police station. Jake sighs.

                "Sorry man she looks just like Amanda." Joey says.

                "It's alright you tried." Jake says.

                "Oh before I forget. Meet Megan Nicole. My girlfriend." Joey introduces the girl he's with.

                "Hey I'm Jake.  Obviously and this Miranda." Jake introduces.

                "Nice to meet you guys." Megan says.

                "Jake can I talk to you for  a minute." Joey asks. Jake nods and they walk off a little ways. I turn to Megan.

                "So how'd you meet Joey?" I ask.

                "I work at Starbucks and he came in everyday and ordered the same day. So finally I asked him if he wanted a date with his frap chino and he said yes." Megan says smiling.

                "That's awesome." I giggle.

                "How do you know Jake?" She asks me.

                "He mistook me for his girlfriend Amanda when I was giving birth to my daughter Jamie." I explain.

                "Oh. Haha well I hope he finds Amanda. Joey says Jake is lost without her." Megan says.

                "Yeah I noticed." I say. I better tell Jake soon before he completely loses it.

Jake's POV

                "What's up?" I ask Joey.

                "Who is Miranda?" he asks.

                "I met her at the hospital when I mistook her for Amanda. And she had nowhere to go so I'm letting her stay with me." I explain.

                "Jake, she really looks like Amanda." Joey says looking her. I look at Miranda and sigh.

                "I know. Everyone says that. But Amanda would have told me it's her." I say.

                "Yeah…maybe." Joey says. I look at him to see him giving me a weird look.

                "What?" I ask.

                "Just be careful. You don't know what her past is." he warns.

                "I'll be fine Joey." I say.

I will be fine, right? Miranda hasn't done anything for me not to trust her, right? But in truth I really don't know that much about her. But I'm gonna change that.

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