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~Rainbow's POV~

I can't believe it.

Fluttershy is


Twilight couldn't stop crying.

I carried her to the castle where she cried for another hour.

We fell asleep after that.

~Twilight's Dream~

"And here is the Rainbow Factory!" Everyone Looked at the rainbow colors and oohed and awed.

Except Twilight.

Celestia saw Twilight's Lack of excitement and turned to her.

"Twilight? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine."

"It's just... I heard stories about this place... and what Rainbows are made out of..."

"Oh Twilight, that's just a fillies tail! You'll be fine as long as I'm here."

I'm not worried about myself. She thought.

She checked on Her friends, Sparkle Flash and Former Shade.

She knew about their relationship and that they had a filly.

She knew all of it.

The filly was a female,
She had orange fur and a magenta mane.

Her name was Scootaloo.

As Twilight looked up from her daydream she saw


They were killing the ponies. And Twilight stared at her friends die.

She watched them die.

She saw Celestia get hurt.

She used her magic to pick Celestia and her no longer living friends up from the ground and ran away as fast as possible.

Then she woke up.

~Rainbow's POV~

I woke up at 5AM and looked at Twilight next to me.

I remembered the events of yesterday and decided to stay at Twilight's house in case she needed comforting.

I slowly got up and made some coffee and sat for a while.

Fluttershy is Dead.

I still couldn't Process it all.

I stared at the wall for a while and thought.

Fluttershy is Dead.

~Twilight's POV~

I woke up and found Rainbow wasn't next to me. I looked around and saw the kitchen door open sighing in relief that she was just in there.

I walked up and then remembered

Fluttershy died yesterday.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then another. And another.

Then I realized I was crying again.

Rainbow walked in and saw me crying.

She walked to me and tried to comfort me.

Then, I couldn't believe it.

She kissed me.

I was shocked.

I practically felt the fireworks go off, and the butterflies swirl.

She was kissing me.

And somehow, it helped me stop crying.

~Rainbow's POV~

I walked in the other room to see Twilight crying.

I walked over and tried to comfort her, but nothing seemed to work.

Then, a thought occurred to me.

I could ki-


I can't...

Not do it.

So I did it. There were Fireworks, Music, Butterflies. A tingling feeling, I just, couldn't explain!

Then I realized she probably did'nt like me that way.

So I pulled away.

"I-I'm so so sorry, I didn't- I just- I'm sorry-"


"But Twi-"

She cut me off by kissing me.

She kissed me.

And I kissed back.

The fireworks came back, but all the butterflies were left behind.

Because this time we were kissing.

I wasn't kissing her.

And She wasn't kissing me.

We were kissing.

Just like how I wanted,

How we wanted.

AN:heeeyyyyyyyyy wassup so Thnks fr 77 reads is that?? WOW TYASFM <3 ØHKAY so u gud want smut or fluff? I might add some fluff 'cause who doesn't like fluff?!  Okie dokie Loki! Bi!

~Midnight Sparks (Crystal Pelte)


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