can't help falling in love

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Shannon Pov

When I finally fell asleep all I could dream bout was how good it would be if me and cam could just be together. I knew it wouldn't be easy no matter how we handled it, there were to many lived involved. If I were to just go home and break up with Erin, where would she live would she have to move back with her parents who abuse her? If cam broke up with Ryan would it blow up in the media would he get negative attention? If I didn't tell Erin about cam and continued to see her, how would I see her what would I tell Erin? What would she tell Ryan or how would she work that into her work schedules? What if we broke it off would I tell Erin and would it do the same thing to our relationship it did to mine and Cam's? What would she tell Ryan would he still want to marry her even though she cheated? Will she have to marry Ryan because of her career and be a closet lesbian her whole life? But the biggest question of all is would I get to live my life with the love of my life or would I have to spend my whole life wondering what could have been?

When my alarm finally went off it was way too early, even though I had technically been asleep I was thinking all night. I kept my eyes closed, by I felt the softest little kiss on my cheek.

"it's time to get up cutie we have a big day a head" (peep one of their Christmas vlogs) a voice said in a baby voice

I knew this voice very well and it is the best voice I could possibly think out to be waking up to. That baby voice is the same voice that cam had talked to me in a million time but every time she did made my heart melt just like the first. This was oddly one of the things that I had missed the most, not specifically the voice but just the little things like waking up next to her and messing around even in the worst time like the morning. Cam rolled over gave me a kiss on the lips and rolled out of bed.

"I am getting in the shower if you want one" she said walking away winking at me

I laid there for a minute just looking at the ceiling, then I heard the shower turn on, I jumped up out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I had put on a shirt and underwear before I fell asleep last night but they quickly came off. I was throwing the clothes off of my while I was running into the bathroom, when I finally reached the shower I ripped open the shower curtain. Cam let out a little excited scream as I quickly stepped into the shower and grabbed her and pulled her in close kissing her. Our tongs fought around in each other's mouths like they were fighting for dominance. We were kissing when I felt cams hands move from my back down to the small of my back, then our mouths disconnected. I felt her hand slide down my butt until they were down on the back of my knees. After a few minutes I through my head back in pleasure as cam slide back up my body and reconnected our lips. I pulled away

"I don't just miss this...I miss us" I said sliding my body down just as she had done to me. When we were both finally showered, I jumped out to go get dressed. As I was getting dressed I remembered I didn't turn off the alarm and it was still going off. I grabbed my phone and turned it off and I saw something strange. I had a text from ally ally hills, I hadn't talked to her since about a month after cam left me. Her and stevie had some drama and drama was the last thing I needed.

*hey Shannon it is Ally Hill, I figure you still have my number but I never know. Cam came to our house last night and I sent her to your hotel. I hope everything worked out well for you but if it didn't I am extremely sorry.*

Right when I finished reading it cam walked in with her hair and makeup done ready to get dressed. Which I thought was weird because the cam I knew would have never done her make up first nor would she has already had it done.

"who was it babe?" she asked looking through my bag trying to find something to wear

"it was just Erin checking in but I am not answering it" I said I didn't want her to know that it was ally because I didn't want to bring ally and Stevie anywhere near our new found relationship or whatever you want to call this. They were not the only reason we broke up but they had a lot to do with it the last thing I wanted was to loss the thing I have been looking for. When we were both finished getting dressed we walked out to my car, once again I opened cams door and helped her in.

" so are we going to talk about this" she said putting her hand on my thigh as I got into the car

"umm well when we are done here we are going to go and get your stuff from your hotel check you out and you are going to stay with me" I said turning out of the parking lot

"Shannon I mean the elephant in the room the huge decision there is to make in less than two days when we have to go back to our lives what are we going to do then, we are playing vacation house right now but what happens when we go back to reality in two days." She asks starting to tear up

"Camden Mary Allyse Scott I want nothing more to be with you and I will stop at nothing to be with you. I just don't know how is the best way for me to be with you, I don't know how to be with you and not potentially ruin someone else's life. Being with you would complete my life in every way but I don't know how to do that without ruining someone else's and I don't know how to justify that to myself. I am willing to figure out how though because I love you way too much to let you go again. The thing that I regret the most in my life is not chasing after you that day, not going to Pittsburgh after you. Not standing in the heat, rain, and snow until you came out of your house one day and took me back. I should have stopped at no end to show you that you are the most special girl in the whole wide world. That is what I regret most is letting you go, I finally have you back and I will not let you go. Even if we have to be together in secret, I will quit my job get one in Pittsburgh pay for Erin to stay in New York and we can pretend to be best friends in public to save Ryan's career. If that is what it takes to be with you Camden Mary Allyse Scott, if that is what it takes for me to be able to show you every day that you are the most special girl in the world I will do it. I will sell everything that I have just to be with you every day, and every day that I am alive from this day forward I am going to do what I should have never stopped doing I am going to love you with all my heart and everything that I have and I am going to show you just how special you are. I love you more than my life it's self Camden and I will tell anyone who asks." I said as we are both crying we pull into the parking lot of the college


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