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Shannons Pov 

The next day cam and I made the awkwardly silent car ride much like the one that we took when we were apart for the first time, right before everything fell apart. this worried me which made the car ride worse than the other because knowing what I know now i would have never gone back to home i would have just gone with her. i didn't know that everything was going to fall apart last time much like this time, i can only hope that this time things go the way i want them to. i wanted to do something to kind of tell cam that i trusted that things would work out this time but i didn't know what that would be i didnt want to use words so i did the next best thing. i slowly took one hand off the steering wheel and put it on her leg, she looked up and smiled at me but still no conversation. when we finally got to the air port i had to go and return the rental car and cams flight was about to leave, i started to drive to her gate but i stopped and pulled off the road. 

" Cam everything is going to be okay, i know last time that we did this is when everything fell apart but i am confident that everything is going to work out this time and i promise that it will. there is nothing that can drag me from you this time, you are the love of my life and i will not throw that away for anything. i am going to go back and start working on getting everything tied up asap, Kian is flying into New York tomorrow and I have lunch with my friend tomorrow about getting erin a job. i love you camden dont ever forget that. 

i pulled back onto the road and pulled up at her gate, i got out and grabbed her bags. she grabbed me and hugged me tighter than she ever has before, she let go and kissed me. 

" I love you so much Shan" she said then turning started walking in 

i got back into the car quickly trying to contain my tears and pulled off, i started over to the car rental place but then my eyes filled with tears. i once again pulled off to the side of the road and composed myself, i wiped away the last tear and drove off. after i dropped off the car and they gave me a golf cart ride to my gate it was time to get on the plane.

5 hours later 

when i finally got off the plane got my bag and in true new york fashion fought for a cab, i was on the steps of my apartment. i stood there for a minute taking in the sight of my apartment the apartment that i loved, but i loved that girl so much more. when i walked in i was greeted by a kiss from the girl that i like , wishing it was the girl that i loved. 

" Hey babe how was your trip what was it about, did you have fun i figured you did but you didn't call" said Erin walking behind me as i headed to my bedroom. 

"ummm i need to run to the office really quick and catch up on some really important stuff that i missed, i will be back in a couple of hours then i will take you to dinner i promise." i said packing my backpack. I packed my computer and a change of clothes and headed down to the parking garage, i walked to my parking spot and pulled off. I walked into my office and pulled out my laptop, I didnt do any work. I went to work finding the perfect vacation for Erin, sat in my office for almost a hour throwing a ball against a wall and searching every vacation booking site in the world. Then right then it hit me, why not send her to L.A. send her all the way a crossed the country. I could easily make a list of things to do, I had done it a million times for cam this time it would just be slightly different. First thing I did was booked a 7 night stay at the hotel with the best view right in the middle of downtown. Next I went down the list of cam and I's favorite things to do. as i started to make a list I pulled out my phone and dialed the number that I still knew by heart. 

"Hey Al its Shan, Yeah yeah me and cam are still seeing each other, yup I am still with Erin. Listen you remember when you said if i went to college with you you would do something for me well i want to cash that in. I am going to send Erin to L.A. for 7 days and for each of those days i need you to do something with her every night. Yes i will pay for you and stevie, no i don't hate stevie as long as you all do this for me. Thanks ally your the best love you and oh yeah no fighting." 

I hung up the phone and texted Erin 

*Meet me at 3rd street at 7:30.* 

I had a hour to book everything I thought of everything that I possibly could, changed my clothes, stuffed the folder and ran down to my car. when i finally got the the restaurant, I sat down and answered all the questions telling erin all about my trip but of course leaving out the whole cammie thing. 

" So i have a surprise for you, since I was gone for so long and you have been working so hard I planed you a trip to L.A.. you leave in exactly 1 week. I have already booked and paid for everything so you cant say no. My bestfriend Ally and her girlfriend stevie live out there they are going to do something with you every night and be there if you need anything." Erin starting crying tears of joy thankfully, now all that was left to do was land her that job, talk to kian and finally go to see my true love. 


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